Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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4 days and stats is not worke please reply Shareflare

the files between 80 to 120mb

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I already said that before... but just as I supposed nobody reads my long explanatory posts, I wonder why I am wasting my time trying to help the helpless men :))

Moreover, I think Shareflare is maybe (?) a woman too, I dunno why everyone calls it "he"... What a discrimination :facepalm:
so that's why SF has some pink parts :D I've red some of your long posts but I didn't see it mentioned in those, so... just go on :D
So since Letitbit is in green colour, then what it is, an alien from Mars? :))

Are the stats low for everyone on letitbit? I think on shareflare it is normal but letitbit is very low, even the skymonk installs are very low, I think my earnings will drop under the zero soon the way they are falling :))
So since Letitbit is in green colour, then what it is, an alien from Mars? :))

Are the stats low for everyone on letitbit? I think on shareflare it is normal but letitbit is very low, even the skymonk installs are very low, I think my earnings will drop under the zero soon the way they are falling :))
Since Letitbit is Not Replying, Can U pls maymum.
Why Im Not able To get Video Links For My Upload Video Files .Im a Stream Poster.
Any Help Would Be Highly Appriciated.
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or they're just acid heads :D anyway this has been the first day to me since the weekend when my stat counts normally however my "quality" is still down
maymun kız mısın sen? ilk defa kız bir uploader ile karşılaştım. Yukarda porno diyorlar ne iş, sana kötü birşey mi söylediler yoksa
use english GGLTRNSLTR sees you :D

Added after 25 minutes:

my stats are frozen again :(
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kötü bişey değilde, rooneyviet anlamamış beni, uploader olmak, pornolarda oynamaktan çok farklı bir iş :P

Translation without Google: Rooneyviet misunderstood me, I don't do anything bad, definitely never played in a porn video in my life, it's one thing to be a whore, and something very different to be a cashwhore :))

optrader, my stats have been dead all day, either there is a glitch, or my fans don't want to download my videos anymore because I don't play in them :)) and they don't even download skymonk anymore, which is the worst because I was earning pretty good from it the previous days... :(
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