Letitbit.net-New tarif earn up $50 for 1000 downloads

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I have created site with its links, but all of files will be deleted after 30 days. It seems I have to leave it.
the truth about letitbit

I can tell you all about letitbit, I worked with them for years, there was a time that was very popular among the uploaders, I came to win a lot and was very happy, all payments on time, not a single complaint.

Unfortunately when they changed the site design (some months ago), also changed strategy: BAN ACCOUNTS MASSIVELY :facepalm: for his famous article p12 (from one minute to another, without notice) and NOT DELETE ANY FILES FROM THE BANNED ACCOUNT :facepalm:, in this way they keeps making money at the expense of our work.

It's really sad that this Russian hosting go down in history :heiligenschein:, professional uploaders no longer used for this simple reason, has become SCAM :cursing:.
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