Kool Kats - Please review my site

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.info domains = cheap/suck ass
Kool Kats = name sucks
Banner = sucks
Skin is ok, not good though :O

overall the site sucks

Maybe you should shut down and forget being a webmaster ^_^
lol as I've said loads here I'm waiting on a banner, the person making it started work on it 2 days ago and I've asked her for an update today so hopefully it won't be too much longer :) The reason for the domain is because I'm a student in £20,000 debt, and I can't afford anything else, and anyways it's only a URL so why does it matter?
And as I've already said the reason for the name is because I don't want to copy another warez site and have a similar name. So many warez sites have the word warez in them, or they end in the letter W, and I just want this site to be different :)
And to the person who told me to give up lol you don't get anywhere in life by giving up :P
you don't get anywhere in life by giving up

Nice tip ;p

Keep goin man , if u have some time , use google to learn how to use Photoshop to make a Good Banner .

Almost all designers use filters to make banners , so seek for the proper filter for ur site :)
what do you mean lol? I changed the banned like was suggested but for mybb there are limited styles available and what's wrong with the current theme?
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