- Trouble free file sharing! Wowzers! It’s super easy!


is this software official from k2s or made by someone else?

Hello! it's true! 10$ billing picks up, 120$ you pick up for yourself!
What you wrote sufficiently shows your level of knowledge of how interaction with payment gateways works. It would be better to end the discussion, I am sure that no one will convince you. Let's each remain with our own opinion.
All costs that you have as a "company" (this includes the fees for payment processing) should be included in your prices in advance. This results in a final price that customers pay - taxes.

That means, the fees you get charged by payment processors are not part of the deductions charged to the affiliate. I believe, that's what some people here are complaining about (rightly so, in my opinion). But hey, since your entire business model is based on fraud, I'm not surprised that you don't take it too seriously to bill affiliates correctly...

What a joke.
I tested RG, and I ended up there, 1 week 100 USD (good) and then 20 days 0 (hard shaving) today I uploaded to k2S and FTP goes fast and well (webupload is slow for a long time)