Is Back Under a New Name

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frankly speaking i dont care and i never will again....the reason behind this is simple nobody took this site seriously...first this was made from ppl left over by crazy coderz, then they made all the fuzz about bringing crazy coderz back, then they closed inwarez and opened crazy coderz then they closed crazy coderz again....who in the hell would post in there then????i have lost almost 2000 thread due to this crapiness
I understand that you've lost alot of posts on Inwarez but we hope to make up for that in any way possible.
Yes its been up and down like a YoYo sadly - but i'm not going to let this fall once again and i'm not in it for the money. If i was to have to leave or something I would not sell it i would let someone manage it for me for the time being.

Also i think everyone should read this announement: ;)

in the thread you linked to... you mentioned that somebody at ripped you off and yet there is a in your avatar as well...are those the same site or different??? if they are different then is it the same site that is on the header of this site????if they are scammers you should report them
in the thread you linked to... you mentioned that somebody at ripped you off and yet there is a in your avatar as well...are those the same site or different??? if they are different then is it the same site that is on the header of this site????if they are scammers you should report them is owned by someone called NavidEvil here at Wjunction.
and is where I work/i'm a partner - these are 2 completely different companies and we run a much more professional aproach.

Tried doing the thread and no one done anything about it - we are currently trying to raise the funds to purchase the .com domain off Sedo though.

Links to threads where it is proven to he scammed ACiD.
Don't mean to offend anyone, but how is this "scene" news.
IW is like CC, has been brought back too many times that it's useless to even state. They just keep failing from bad staff and bad judgement of people.

There are only 1 User(s) online. And it says 25k members? Do any of those members even post or visit?

It would be better if you guys start again freshly rather than using the same old database and skin over and over. jmo

but good luck i suppose
Don't mean to offend anyone, but how is this "scene" news.
IW is like CC, has been brought back too many times that it's useless to even state. They just keep failing from bad staff and bad judgement of people.

There are only 1 User(s) online. And it says 25k members? Do any of those members even post or visit?

It would be better if you guys start again freshly rather than using the same old database and skin over and over. jmo

but good luck i suppose

I'm not sure why it is in scene news, blame Dlow lol.

I know what you mean they've been up and down like a yoyo but i'm nt going to give up.
the stats yes are bad right now as we havent advertised nor sent out much emails. and we are not using katz for our visitors either.

give it some time and it will be back to normal once everyone knows again :)
imho, he doesn't even know how to import the DB, how could he know how to "hack". Someone probably rooted his servers(again) and the attacker is using it for hacking and DDoSing around. I bet retarded Navid doesn't even know lol
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