- 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

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Payment pending

My payment is: PENDING :'(
My Username: Mandukes
Payment options: PayPal
Payment Requested : 5$
This is my first payment


I think he is gonna do like the others ,
i didn't get paid since my registration there
last week i ask to get pay via Payza , he didn't respond , this week he said the only way to get pay is via PayPal
i configured it and put my paypal Email
now i opened my account and guess what i get banned !!!!!
he asking about my traffic source, actually i got one facebook account and my traffic is so week
the highest traffic i got once is 900 views
so why i got banned ???!!!!!
I think he is gonna do like the others ,
i didn't get paid since my registration there
last week i ask to get pay via Payza , he didn't respond , this week he said the only way to get pay is via PayPal
i configured it and put my paypal Email
now i opened my account and guess what i get banned !!!!!
he asking about my traffic source, actually i got one facebook account and my traffic is so week
the highest traffic i got once is 900 views
so why i got banned ???!!!!!

Payza changing their banking partners so I think that's why sites can't load funds to their accounts and pay. Soon I guess it's will be fixed and back to normal. ImgServe are serious, I have many many payments from them. BTW I think no one img host allow traffic from facebook...
Payza changing their banking partners so I think that's why sites can't load funds to their accounts and pay. Soon I guess it's will be fixed and back to normal. ImgServe are serious, I have many many payments from them. BTW I think no one img host allow traffic from facebook...
He didn't maintain that, i didn't use many other imghost that doesn't allow traffic from social network like,etc and many other imghost allow traffic from social network like,etc
im a member in imgserve since 3 weeks
so if facebook traffic not allow!!, he had to ban me so lately !!!..
its simple just show him the some of facebook pages where u shared his img pics via pm to him and tell him ur username and so i guess u will get unbanned . as ithink facetraffic is real and useful also unlike those reddit sites

Nope img babe$ allow social sites traffic and so do some other . all they prevent is tumblr , reddit and bots .... though i never did used any of these so i cant say if its allowed here or not but ya u will get payment every week . they r trusted ...Atleast that i can admit abt imgserve ...
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My acct. also got banned for the same reason even after 7 months working for them and getting over $1100 as payout from them. Contacted supports over the source of traffic and waiting for the reply.
Payment received. Best image host :)
Payza changing their banking partners so I think that's why sites can't load funds to their accounts and pay. Soon I guess it's will be fixed and back to normal. ImgServe are serious, I have many many payments from them. BTW I think no one img host allow traffic from facebook...
He didn't maintain that, i didn't use many other imghost that doesn't allow traffic from social network like,etc and many other imghost allow traffic from social network like,etc
im a member in imgserve since 3 weeks
so if facebook traffic not allow!!, he had to ban me so lately !!!..
just contact support.
He didn't maintain that, i didn't use many other imghost that doesn't allow traffic from social network like,etc and many other imghost allow traffic from social network like,etc
im a member in imgserve since 3 weeks
so if facebook traffic not allow!!, he had to ban me so lately !!!..
just contact support.

I did and i reply with all traffic source, but no answer yet :(
traffic from social is allowed. they don't mention it is not allowed on their TOS.

FB, Twitter and reddit traffic allowed.
Thank you
i just got unbanned and received my payment ,,
but guys please if any one has advice to me how to increase my viewers
i have fb account with 5k friends and 2k follower but i almost get 300 views from US and UK per day
i can make 1.5 to 2$ daily
how i can increase that ,, any other method ??
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