ImgSavvy - Free Image Hosting with Rewards! 6 USD/1000 Views!

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Will you implement a folder structure for easier management of the images ?
And also keeping the filenames will be better + a search function.

One more thing when i created an account there was an error about mail and when i try to login i get:
Account not activated. Please check your email for activation code
but no e-mail received.
Username: ChainKiller


Your account has been activated manually :). Do let me know if you require Affiliate Status as well.

With regards to folders, they are the same as galleries are they not?? For a search feature, i'll work on it along side custom filenames and descriptions. Thank you for your suggestion.

@hiro: Unfortunately at the moment this cannot be done, however as per your request, perhaps you can PM me your username, or post it here. I'll look into the quality of your traffic you are bringing in manually. I will then take note of your user and adjust the rates once imgSavvy 2.0 is out whereby the system is capable of doing so. Do note that this will not happen within this week or so. (imgSavvy 2.0 is set to only be released in early October.)

Thanks for your reply, i not yet register just want to know whether it's possible, i'll wait until your 2.0 launch.
Good luck.
The problem with the current galleries is that when i add some images to a gallery they are still present on the images page, they are not moved to that gallery. It is easier to manage them when they are moved imo.

PS: i applied for affiliate account.
I don't know, I just views some pictures and first time they're were 4 pops...

Check again now. It should be fixed. I removed CPMgo from popups permanmently.

Apologize again, the site manager said he fixed it. Guess he didn't.

Thanks for the heads up.

Heads up to Affiliate users to request their payment today! Will be processed in about 5 hours time!


Edit: We're also looking for Beta Testers of our new version, any user wanting to try it out please do PM me!
All payments completed!

@blkhtr007: Resolved for you by adding it manually from your PM! Please request your payment and i'll process it!

"You did not key in any payment details. Please update your payment ID."

which I am sure I did on sign-up.

How do I resolve this issue?

"You did not key in any payment details. Please update your payment ID."

which I am sure I did on sign-up.

How do I resolve this issue?

You can PM me your Payment ID along with your username or you can click on Payment Configuration under your Affiliates Control Panel.
Got paid thanks

^.^ : It will be completed by tomorow morning, sorry for any inconvenience.

nguienu: You need to request for affiliate status, click on affiliate and click apply. Once that is done let me know i'll activate it. (Or if you can't find it i'll do it manually.)

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