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[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]What this?:[/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]ErrorCode 6: Trafic left: 0 bytes[/FONT]

I have been getting the same error for over a week. It will not let me download anything when I am logged in on my Premium Account. If I sign out, the files will download just fine but I do not do this because it takes too long to download anything. This is why I pay for the Premium service. It is all very frustrating because the only response from DataFile is "you have free premium for storage only. You do not have any bandwidth" I don't even know what that means. Does it mean that now my Premium Account is only good to store files and not download anything? Then "bandwidth", isn't that the speed at which data is transferred? If I didn't have any "bandwidth" how am I able to upload files or sending/receiving emails? If it refers to the limit of data I am allowed to download a day, how can I have reached that number if I haven't downloaded anything in over a week? I have had the Premium Account for over a year with no problems to date of this magnitude and would really like to resolve it. It is clear that after emailing them every day about this with little to no help at all, I am reaching out to this community in hopes of getting some help and some sort of direction to go to fix my downloading problems.
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