how many of you are using an adblocker?

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I am also using it. Since I am not from a English speaking country those ads are useless to me.But when I visit a website of my country definitely I disable my Ad-blocker. Because sometimes I may find valuable thing to buy from a local store.

Sometimes site owners are using exclusive amount of pop-up ads.Which not a good thing form both side. Visitors will not visit the site again because of those annoying ads.Then webmasters will not able to get steady income because of the low traffic.
I use adblock pro & adblock plus & only disable them for a couple of sites, anywhere else is just too bad, especially filehost sites.
it's only a matter of time until the percent of adblock users will rise to 50% and then publishers will be forced to either block entrance with adblock or close their website.
I'm using it. I got tired of these fucking image hosts with 1,000 popup ads.

I whitelist websites I visit regularly that don't overdue their ads.
I think every body is tired of f**k**g ads while browsing,I also use Adblock extension in chrome but some times it will also stop working on some websites i don,t know why?
I'm using Fair Adblock (by STANDS) now. You can block everything just by click on it !! This is the best chrome Adblock addon I've used so far.
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