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Active Member
I have one, simple question:
It is worth, buy hosting and domain and start posting? On page I will do celebs video stuff. I mean, if 'someone' will want delete my page (copyright etc.).
I don't want to buy domain/hosting and in the same month have deleted...
Regarding domains, go away from US based registrars as a safety measure. Same goes for the hosting company, avoid companies registered in US or having servers there.

For domains I'd recommend as it is an offshore registrar as far I know.
For hosting I'd go with as it is a Swedish company.

I can see you are looking forward having your paypal account suspended. I will only say this to you once, never use your PayPal account for any illegal-related business, you risk yourself losing your money. /offtopic.
Got there the site and still haven't been forced to remove anything.
Before I was on hostgator and was forced every day to do mass removals
Get NL hosting and and if possible a domain with privacy protect.
Netherlands, ignore DMCA and are answerable only to BREIN, and most of the content is of US copyright
yash your info is wrong brein complains for us based content too , i was forced to remove 6 sites from ecatel server because of complaints from brein

That's a very rare case though.
DMCA is not that powerful to influence BREIN to do such thing. Either of these is possible:

1. Your TOS/methods were incorrect and failed to identify you separate from your users for the content posted on site.
2. You hosted illegal content. NL is good for warez linking and stuff, but warez files hosting, it can still be tough.

What you can do is always have an Admin account, create a user account and promote it to Super moderator and let it function as a user only. Owner and warez poster are than identifies as separate.
Domain name wise stay away from domains that .us can take down such as org, com etc.

Hosting wise Heard Hong Kong was safe, but not sure of the speeds and routing.

Make sure your hide your whois
i suggest you not to go with .com/net/us,since they are under US control.
eu, in, .se domains seems quite secure.

As for hosting, you will need an offshore web host, mostly offshore webhosts can ignore any abuse reports upto level3, and some even can ignore court orders if needed.
DMCA is like said before a US law most off the offshore providers can ignore it.
It's important that you are not a US based company or even live there.

About BREIN like quarizma said those two are different things.
You are not forced to do anything in The Netherlands until you get a court order.
i suggest you not to go with .com/net/us,since they are under US control.
eu, in, .se domains seems quite secure.

i disagree. i don't think a .eu or Non US domains are much better. I know a few people who had their Non-US domains got taken down. 1 of them was a hacking site that condones hacking government sites was using a .in domain and it got taken down by FBI! :)) i think if the FBI wants you. you are screwed either way.

All are safe for warez links.
It's not like you are going to be next ThePirateBay in few months and whole FBI and American government is coming for you. :P
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