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I own a KVM VPS server and I have a strange problem. Everything works properly VPS on average consumes only 120 MB ram. The problem is as follows, suddenly it happens I can not enter on the website. When I enter on server via Putty I see that VPS consumes entire memory ram also swap. Via a virtual panel I see that at this moment HDD activity is too blown, I leave you a picture. When I restarting VPS everything back to normal and the same error happens tomorrow or the day after. Does anyone know what the problem was that the HDD activity increases than once ?
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Well, there's no way of telling what is causing load, without actually looking at it.
Tell us what OS you're running, webserver, what type of script you host, etc... more details, faster we'll nail the problem. Btw, you can also write to support where you are hosted, to take a look.
Thank you for answer.
I have no problem with CPU the only problem is HDD Activity and therefore memory ram grow to the top and it provokes the website offline.
Source of the problem is HDD Activity as you can see in the picture above.
HDD isn't the source of the problem, it's some process using HDD which is the problem.
Login to ssh, type command 'top' when load on HDD starts increasing, and make a screenshot of all processes.
Thank you and the next time that happens I entered the command "top" via Shell and I'll leave here print screen.
OK. I said that I set picture of "top" comand here and "free -m" when an issue was taking place.
The issue is still always going and when restarting KVM VPS everything works normally about 24 hours.

Welcome any comments !



You can use "iotop" to see what is writing and reading to the disk. It could my MySQL looking at your top output. Have you tweaked MySQL?
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