Get $100 for Putting a Link in your MSN name!

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Both of you, stfu, and Gtfo.
You dont know shit.
Im good for my money unlike most here.
And $100 is fuck all to me.
Dont come in here saying BS.
Someone on WJ will 100% win, No matter what. You'll see.
LOL pretty good idea to get A LOT of traffic offer 1 lucky person to put it in there msn name.

Thing is all of you are doing this advertising his site and he will be earning money from it BUT you might nto get anything.
Why don't you give 1 person 100$ and like 2 people 50$ and 4 people 25$ etc make it like a pyramid, you'll get your customers, well be happy, and you wont spend but like 300$ on it.

also, TrafficMonster is good for the money for those who are doubting.
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