Final Comments on BluEVO vBulletin Skin

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The banner looks nice however its too huge, would look bad on smaller screens. The rest of the skin is nothing great, just average and the rolling over the nav bar looks very amateur.
Also about the javascript, I find it pointless, you bring your mouse over to the frame and the whole forum lights up, it seems boring after 3 times (seriously) proly if u wanna make it better, make it only light up the forum u roll too not everything else, just my opinion.
That is one awesome skin, but why is there a logout button even if i'm not logged in

Forgot to set the if condition :P
Thats why I have this public beta or w/e you call it before I release.

The banner looks nice however its too huge, would look bad on smaller screens. The rest of the skin is nothing great, just average and the rolling over the nav bar looks very amateur.
Also about the javascript, I find it pointless, you bring your mouse over to the frame and the whole forum lights up, it seems boring after 3 times (seriously) proly if u wanna make it better, make it only light up the forum u roll too not everything else, just my opinion.

I have an option for a javascript-less version which is cheaper.
Some people like whored animations and such. :D
Final version will include the following bug fixes.
- Log Out for only people logged in.
- Less intense opacity changes.
- Generic Logo
- Banner size reduced to 70kb vs 500kb
- Favicon

Purchase Pack Will Include
- Skin you choose
- Skin install instructions
- etc.
great theme! its just lovely!! btw 1 more thing you could put in your site that could be cool!

"scroll to top" animated with jquery

[*]$(document).ready(function() {  
[*]$('a[href*=#]').click(function() {  
[*] if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'')  
[*] && location.hostname == this.hostname) {  
[*]   var $target = $(this.hash);  
[*]   $target = $target.length && $target  
[*]   || $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) +']');  
[*]   if ($target.length) {  
[*]  var targetOffset = $target.offset().top;  
[*]  $('html,body')  
[*]  .animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 900);  
[*]    return false;  
[*]   }  
[*]  }  
[*]  });  
[*]// how to use  
[*]// place this where you want to scroll to  
[*]<a name="top"></a>  
[*]// the link  
[*]<a href="#top">go to top</a>  
Thanks guys.
I won't release the skin till its ready and theres a bug in the code somewhere causing things to break so I may need to hold off on the official release date, but you can still buy it and receive the update once I release it for free.
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