Fileuplode has been taken over by Fil3r INC

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Please look at the message in the Header of

"Network Update: Users might experience some downtime due to server upgrades today."

We are working on our servers and there will be some downtime for users today.

It will be fixed in a few minutes
The site is too card, the page opens too slow

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ID 2122017
Shall change my ID?

Added after 6 minutes:

Liar to the request for payment on the exchange ID
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Sorry about all the downtime guys, We are implementing new servers and processors to handle the traffic better, We should be up in about 7 - 8 Hours.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

what is download speed for anonymous user?

Please add payza or libertu reserve.


edit : "remote upload" suck! 182ko/s
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I have not upload copyright file. when i request the admin Deleted all my files.Reject payout!!

I want tell you Fileuplode is big scam!!!
Watch out!! Fileuplode is big scam.
Reject payout with a absurd reason.
It is that" distribute copyrighted file, and lots of your files didn't get complete downloads".
Everyone knows the counter is on his side,what a absurd reason is!!!!

And Fileuplode betrays affiliaters.If someone report copyright abuse to fileuplade,fileuplode will send the IP of the uploader to the copyright kicker.
So unbelievable,but fileuplode does it in the dark.

Hello, Your email address is email removed right? You uploaded child pornography and thats why we rejected your payout and email removed payout! Dont try and say we are a scam when 140+ other affiliates get paid and have no problems. Your files where illegal and we do not tolerate it.

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kellin ,I sent you a message , Plz take a look

my payment info is an payment is webmoney. not paypal.
We can't receive your system mail, please change the payment info to webmoney.

It's been since I request my payment...[2012-07-25 $14.81 PENDING],when is mine gonna come?

kellin ,I sent you a message , Plz take a look

my payment info is an payment is webmoney. not paypal.
We can't receive your system mail, please change the payment info to webmoney.

It's been since I request my payment...[2012-07-25 $14.81 PENDING],when is mine gonna come?


You have just been paid :)

how you paid users??

i upload three 100mb+ files and i got 75 downloads but you pay me only $0.0984 ?

as your aff plan you minimum pay $4,50 for 1000 downloads.

please check.

i sent you PM with username.
Koahez, We have paid hundreds of affiliates their money on time, every time. Dont you find it strange that you are the only one complaining? Everybody else received their money because they uploaded legal content and we did not get any complaints on their files.

Obviously you are in the wrong. We are sorry to hear that you feel the way you do. But we have loads more affiliates and dont need your copyrighted content on our site.

Do not EVER again publish user emails on this board.

I'll ask both sides to submit proofs of their claims, failing to do so will result in a permanent ban.
You have 24h to collect the proof. PM me when you are ready.
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