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Filesonic Premium Account still on block for the past 3 days

Hello, I have tried to unblock my account through Filesonic's site and still no response. Is there any way to have this done through you. Still getting error:
We have detected some suspicious behaviour coming from your IP address (xxxxxxxxxxxx) and have been temporarily blocked.
Reason code: 900
With various Reason Codes other than 900.

Hope you can help
How to move files from dropbox to filesonic?

I tried doing it but... the destination can only moved within itself (E.g. filesonic move with in filesonic) when moving..

Can anyone advise me here?

EDIT: Okay Found the way only Copy is allowed in between dropbox and filesonic...
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All myfiles lost, i can see that

This is bug?

If your files disappeared open an affiliate ticket and we will look at it

Hi Hish is there anyway to reset my security question?

We can reset the security question for , open an affiliate ticket

Best regards,

Added after 4 minutes:

Domain sales dont count since you updated the site, I have always got them now they stopped.

Site sales should have gone up over Christmas holidays. :))

Open an affiliate ticket with your login information and we will check your domain sales


will sales of today and tommorow will also give bonus ????

The promo will apply for Dec. 30 and 31 but not Jan. 1

Best regards,
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me too. Hey Hish !!! Please fix RU to WU
after new skin i got 4 sales in 2 days lol :) i really like it but plz fix the remote with wu...i need to move my files...
who is fixing RU to WU issue
all filesonic new letter file system "file/abcd12dc" to wupload give a 2k file
email WU they ask me to speak to filesonic

so can filesonic talk to them.
seem their support is getting worse :(
i still have half year of premium acc with them redeem before they close their
affiliate Program

remote upload from filesonic to wupload is not working when i am uploading a file i only get a 20.5 kb file ........what's the problem & when it will be fixed ????????

Can you still remote upload from filesonic to wupload? Mine aren't working and I don't know if it's a filesonic or wupload issue.

pls fix remote from wupload
its freezzee

We and so many people have the same problem too. I've submitted a support ticket to wupload several days ago and got no reply till now. I don't know when they will fix this issue, i think wupload has a problem with new filesonic link code.
I can't earn money with filesonic without remote upload to wupload.
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We and so many people have the same problem too. I've submitted a support ticket to wupload several days ago and got no reply till now. I don't know when they will fix this issue, i think wupload has a problem with new filesonic link code.

I've tried everything to get in touch with wupload support but got no reply. I remember that Willy said he's Hish's cousin, so would Hish please be kind enough to inform wupload to fix this problem? I bet you have better way to contact him. :) This is the only way I can think of right now. Any better ideas?
Marco, Hish PLEASE !! fix this problem:
please fix the scroll down issue with Move/copy destination page, a lot of my files uploaded are staying @ root waiting to be moved to other folders.

why you don't fix it faster ? It can't be so difficult to do that ...
Hey Hish, just tell me should I leave all my files? money? Backups? because you just not replying and not solving my problem. my acc blocked. Should I open a new acc??:facepalm::facepalm:
FileSonic Marco hi last day i have 90 dollars unpaid from 24 dec to this day i have 90 but this morning whene woke up i saw on the payement that i have 80 dollar -10 dollars and i look good i found the day 26 dec i have 3 sales mean 30 dollar but i saw this 3(sales)/10(dollars) what's this whene i click on the sales i found this

10 dollar-----------my filename
10 dollar-----------my filename
10 dollar(-refunded).-------my filename what's this can you help me i can't believe it pm me to give you my name on filesonic
i used all of my premium account of other host (fileserve - uploadstation - filejungle - rapidshare) to remote upload on filesonic.. Filesonic says invalid account logins.. Hish solve this issue pls.
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