– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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Thank you guys... Im shocked to know that there are that dirty people on Earth :(

Everytime something like this happens, we donate the money to help find the children like this and help them... It makes me feel good to know that we don't keep dirty money!


Like this a lot...!!!<3

Yes, i upload porn too..but i know the limit, what is allowed and forbidden...under age porn is so sick.

After read what Filesonic did with all money from banned account cause illegal content, i really gave my highly respect...salute...!!!
Hi Hish,

I am an Elite member, I am not getting any sale even after having my own blog, If You can provide me some guide that would be real appreciate or else please transfer me to PPD(Pay Per Download).

Thanks Buddy
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Hi Hish,

I am an Elite member, I am not getting any sale even after having my own blog, If You can provide me some guide that would be real appreciate or else please transfer me to PPD(Pay Per Download).

Thanks Buddy


I have set you to PPD ..

Regarding tips, please ask the guys here, they will be glad to help :)

If you need more help with that, please visit our contact us page and one the right, you will see affiliate manager's ICQ

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When start this mission?? I have 2 new refs and my credits still continue as before.


Thanxs in advance.:)
Today i've got 2 sales but im into PPD program
My daily downloads are something like 20-30 max
i'm tempted to switch into pps scheme.
Do you think it's better for me ? LOL :)
Greetings FileSonic,

I just registered and i tried to change my "affiliate plan" from "Pay per Sale" to "Pay per Download" but the system keeps reverting to "Pay per Sale". Is it normal? Do i have to be active some time to be able to change it?

And, is there any difference between using 400MB and 1GB as in "Pay per Download" winnings?

PCManiac, at the bottom enter your password for confirmation, then it will save your changes.
There is no difference between 400mb and 1gb for PPD
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