– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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Umm.... I can't find my RECENT uploads in my main folder because most of my files says they were uploaded this year (in the last three months). YET, some of the files I know of were upped a year before. I can't have been that busy in the last three month. I have to be Superman. Whats going ooooonnnn??
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JDOWNLOADER doesn't want to parse the filesonic links (Free user)

I already wrote about this 4 pages ago but Hish didn't see me... It doesn't parse them for premium too obviously... The problem is only with the new filesonic links with letters, the old ones with numbers work.... Please fix it :'(
report.php Error 404 and Suspicious Behaviour

Is the host in?

I am getting the suspicious behaviour message once in a while(quite often actually) and everytime i login to try to report, it goes to a page of report.php but it always ends up in error 404...

seriously affecting my download experience.....

Pls Help...
I got 2 sales today, should I switch to PPS Plan? or is it just a lucky day
Filesonic, please hide the 'Ref-ID' of affiliate in the description of paypal purchase as most buyers don't like to see that while making payment.


I need to RU filesonic links to another host and then remote back to my filesonic account.
Now that Wupload has shut down (RU doesnt work anymore, got only files less than 1mb), which host is the best to remote upload from filesonic ?

Tried with megaupload, but often get my megaupload account blocked 48h for multi ip acces due to remote.

Can anyone help me plz ?
And no sales for 4 consecutive days now, my worst stats with FS and it happen after they made the new design :facepalm:
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