FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Zoom Image and file uploader Registered version

Maybe z_o_o_m in here can resolve your question. I know for sure that RDP/rapidleech users are not facing trouble with us at the moment.


Other people using ZOOM knows how to answer your question. Since you sit on Windows, why not use another client (sborg?)?
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All I can say is: people are getting back from vacation, + speeds for free users got back, kinda, and earnings are coming back, like they were 2 months ago. (means, almost 100% higher, than 2 weeks ago)

Nice to see fileserve is back on track.
Ricky i have one doubt

Is this money 20$ transferred to my account ? or next week ?

If it transfer why i am not get into my paypal account. please help me..


I can't upload directly to FileServe because it doesn't support resuming broken uploads. My wifi internet connection drops out every now and then. I have to upload files to another host and then find a way to remote upload it to FileServe somehow. This is not working for me anymore because I no longer have a way of moving the files from the other host. Please consider resuming broken uploads like some other hosts do.
Hi Ricky,

We wanted to post a file programmatically through DOTNET client on fileserve.
(in nutshell - We need to post a file to fileserve and get the downloadlink in return using dotnet)
something similar can be achieved with the help of sample ( but this is for rapidshare. Can you please help us to provide similar script or suggest the changes so that we can leverage your file host instead of rapidshare for posting the files?

Thanks in Advance...
Problem when copy files

Dear you,
My account is a Premium one, namely "sauchao". Yesterday I tried to copy some of my files from 1 folder to another folder in My Storage, however, it said that "The size of the file exceeds your storage limit". It's a premium account so that the storage is unlimited, isn't it? Please take a look and fix it as soon as possible. Thank you so much.
NL is working fine, make sure you have your direct downloads option checked in your netload account.

good for you. NL works great for Fsonic and Wupload and weeks ago for my FServe account. Then suddenly it stopped working and so it is until very few hours ago. I'll try again later.
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