FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ sat_cse28:

Here's my (guess) explanation:

Total site earnings: 10.75

5.50 has been approved
5.25 are pending approval (30 days rule)

What happened was probably:
3.25 was approved
7.50 was pending approval

"My site"'s tab shows what you have in 'holding' right now. Not what was approved.

We don't just take money away from your account out of nowhere and randomly. Techs aren't even working right now.

Now. The dilemma would be: Should I have a tech spend 1 hour to check up on this which would cost FS say.. 200 dollars, while he could have worked on all kinds of other features (mass rename for example) or not go to a tech and just tell you to 'cut losses' on those 2 dollars.

I haven't seen others complain their money went up in the blue. It doesn't happen on our system that money just 'disappears'.

Thank you for your answer, but you haven't told me that WILL the Fileserve's system think that my account is shared with many people, and then lead to be terminated automatically? If yes, what should I do to prevent this except just call my ISP, and tell them they suck as I don't have any other choice, no any other ISPs around in my area.

Call your isp and ask them to switch yours ip to static, my friend pay extra 10 bucks every month just for that.
how come some files that are not shared mysteriously disappears and not even showing up on dmca tab?

You should pm RickyFS, your "username" and your "links" that disappears mysteriously, so he can check up on that. And please post back here when you know EXACTLY WHAT cause your files to disappears, as currently I see many people complain about their files mysteriously disappears even if they haven't shared their links, and not even in DMCA tab.

Call your isp and ask them to switch yours ip to static, my friend pay extra 10 bucks every month just for that.

Thanks for your advice, but my ISPs do not offer Static IP, even if I agree to pay extra money. That's sad, but it's ok, I just re-log in to Fileserve every time my (dynamic) Ips change even this is a bit annoy for me :(. Only one thing that I CONCERN that Fileserve's system would clever enough to DISTINCT that my account wouldn't share with anyone, only I have to re-log in many times a day because of my (dynamic) IPs change too many time during the day, so my account wouldn't lead to be terminated of breaking Fileserve's rule (sharing account).


I respect that Fileserve wouldn't reveal how to check up whether I just re-log in many times during the day because my IP has changed, or I just try to defraud the system. I know Fileserve's system is SMART enough. :)
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Hi Ricky, i requested a money transfer to my PayOut account in this Date 2011-02-09 $44.82 Pending, And still pending, i tried by Support Ticket and theres no answer, so i guess here you can look at this problem, because i requested another transfer in 2011-04-24 and it not delay more than 5 days, but the other still in pending, can you look at this problem??

Thanks in advance!
@ horde: I need your username and some of the URLs of the files that just mysteriously disappeared. Otherwise I can't do anything about it and we keep running a loop (you claim, I ask, you claim, I ask...)

@ explo1515: That one tagged as fraud?
Hi Ricky! what 's the matter with tranfer system?
Last time when i tranfered it take few hours or 1 day.But now.i Pressed tranfer button yesterday it 's still pending :( i never see it before.:(

As far as I know, All files that stored on Server 709, 795, 846, 2271 are gone forever because of the death of the servers, how about server 457, Is it dead, too?

for eg. this link It shows me 404 Landing page again, would you please check it out.

Thanks Ricky

As far as I know, All files that stored on Server 709, 795, 846, 2271 are gone forever because of the death of the servers, how about server 457, Is it dead, too?

for eg. this link It shows me 404 Landing page again, would you please check it out.

Thanks Ricky
please ban all "where is my money, still pending" kids because of greed and stupidity.

it sucks, and the important things going off in the thread
please ban all "when i get my money, still pending" kids because greedy and stupidity.

it sucks, and the important things going off in the thread
New messages are all fucked up. The time set is wrong.

@ kkkzzz: 846 + 2271 died in which 2271 died completely but partial data on 846 was able to be recovered. No other reports of dead servers so far.
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