FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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I've been getting a huge amount of errors from the file-manager when copying files today. So bad that only 20% of the files are actually copying with success!

EDIT: Just deleted some of the files that I couldn't copy and re-up'd them. Same problem, they fail to copy.

EDIT 2: Initially my files were FTP uploaded. Tried again with remote uploading the exact same files that have previously failed to copy in the site file-manager twice and they now copied. Something wrong with your FTP processing?
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Same here.

3 out of 5 files were uploaded today gives me the error while copying.
Yesterday also had a problem with several files, and I still can not make copies of them. :(
@ dsafari

If a file fails - like this - it will continue to fail no matter how many times you upload it, because it has the same MD5.

You have to repack or wait to see if the server fixes it itself.
Sometimes a failing file can be copied later, sometimes not.

... or send a PM to Ricky or something.
@Gerner2010: You are I said above...uploading via remote upload has worked for all the problem files. No repack was required.

Also, it isn't the upload via FTP that is failing - I am able to share the uploaded file just fine, it's just that many of them can't be copied. I suspect there is problems with their post processing of FTP'd files.
I said if the file fails like THIS - can not be copied.

I am not talking about how you uploaded it.
Problem MAY be upload method, but you have to repack - often - to fix the error.
Yes it has.

1 file gives you copy error.
You upload it again - and in this case it gives you the same error because the file has the same MD5.

In fact you do not have 2 different files with the same file name on FS.
You have only 1 FAILING file (failing to copy, not unreachable), with 2 different links which can not be copied.

It will fail every time you upload it because it has the same MD5 as the 'original' uploaded file, which gives you an error.

If you upload a file 10 times you still only have 1 file on FS, with 10 different links.

This used to happen all day long when servers were failing about 8 months ago.
If you uploaded a file and you recieved a 404, you had to repack.

Looks like the same kind of error - but this time you get a copy error every time you upload it.
The server is telling you you can not copy the file, therefore re-uploaded files will also fail because the links are linked to the same file on the same failing server.
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@ ARGHHH: You're upgrading your account as your own referral? E.g.:

ARGHHH1 has ARGHHH2 as referral. ARGHHH1 upgrades ARGHHH2 with a Premium account via Paypal, and then sells it to a randomer?

I wouldn't recommend this. Why not become a reseller instead?

Hi Rick,

What I did with HF was to buy a brand new 1 month account, with myself as the referrer.

I then said to a friend "Heres a one month account you can have for free, just change the account password and its yours". He used the account (and extended it), and I got my 20% rake because I was the referrer.

Some accounts I gave away were actually only used for a month, then they died, but a lot were kept going - right up till I stopped using HF

I just looked at your reseller page... I don't think thats quite what I'm after :)
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If you log into an account (and therefore also if you create an account) which is your own referral, it will probably be flagged as cheating.

FS can not distinguish an 'honorable' man like you with your intentions, from cheaters automatically.

My advice : Do not do it.
Thats what I thought - that it might send up a flag somewhere.

Its a shame though, people are happy to use an account they get for free, but trying to get them to sign up AND use a referrer is like trying to catch fog in a net most of the time :)
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@ ARGHHH: You just have to find a plastic bag to catch that fog. Sorry bud.

@ all: I was talking about 404 unreachable files. Not error on copying. That would be the least of our worries.
I think there's a reason why they're showing 0 downloads in files, I mean those techs you have can't fix this little problem ? ...
@kdb_bdk ,

the best analogy i can give for this truly immense problem that seems so small is:

take just one look at youtube. what is pretty much the only thing that doesnt update frequently? the page hits and like/disklike amounts. takes a few hours for youtube which is _owned by google_ .

fileserve is tracking more files than i could care to imagine, and is facing the same problem, how to update those seemingly inconseguential "few hits" for all those zillions of files!

anyways thanks for all the work ricky and the fs techs, i actually came here to report that fileserve is loading like its on crack for me. fastest i've seen from you guys yet!
(using Chromium v11.something, in USA)
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