FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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still having the problems with logging in ect.. clearing cookies has not helped
and i have tried it out on 3 different browsers

i too have the same Problem. and what about file manager. Filemanger is loading v.slow even though i selected (show 30 Objects per page) But till now the Problem is there. And remote upload page is the big problem taking too long or the page is getting failed to upload. Please fix it soon.:(
@ bouabdellah: Because staff does it manually. But since it is still CNY, staff doesn't check FS as often as you would like.

@ horde: Depends where you're sending from.

@ walid26: No. Anyone can make money with us.

@ iHate & DAng3rous: Try changing your password. If someone else has logged into your account from another computer (i.e. your RDP OR just someone who has hacked your account) it will take you to clear cookies and re-login again.

@ sameera: No. FS loads just fine here for me.
Ricky, what's the update on the Copy/Rename bug? Still getting those errors and at the moment, the only way to get rid of the error is to delete the files and upload those again. Its getting real tiring doing this everytime.

Please ask the techs to put it on their priority list. Thanks.

That depends on the host you are fetching the files from. If its RS and MS then the transfer should be instant, for MU most files get transfered but some give problems.
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