FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@Ricky none of them correctly uploaded, they are 200KB to 5MB and should be 200 - 400 MB
@Ricky also my payment on AP (-$539.74) will I ll be able to recieve it over next week is there any restricitons on AP on daily money transfer?
@Ricky : Ok ricky i am little stressed ;) understand me .i did another transfer i hope it will be not a problem for the present wire.

i will wait .

I just realised the DMCA folder now after the cleanup only displays only the last 100 uploaded files that was DMCA'd. If any files that has an upload date before the earliest upload date in that DMCA folder was deleted, the file doesn't show in the DMCA.

If there is a newer file that has been DMCA'd, it is added to the folder but the earlier files in the DMCA folder will disappear. Is this a glitch because if it isn't it's even more useless than previously since files that are deleted doesn't even appear there anymore
@ Borja: Passing delay? Absolutely no delays. Your Premium was activated and I don't see why you don't see that when it states you're a PREMIUM.

@ spirkov: The transfers are done by it's fucked up on their side :)

@ noumanta: I said we had to coordinate it with a tech so they can show the paid status after we've WIRED it. That's what happens when you need special treatment, we need to pull people out to do special service. Monday we will send it.
Have to say that the download speed from FS has been improved a lot. As an example, I'm from Slovenia, small country located in central Europe with 100Mbps connection at home, I was able to reach 8MB/s max, but now it goes 11MB/s+, so Ricky and FS staff, just keep it going on! :D
the remote upload has not been working properly the whole day. (06.november.2010) 400 MB files comes as 4.85MB, 15.36MB and so... Please check.




sorry but it's not Deleted yet :'( can you do something even i sent you the proof

and hey why don't you add a feature of deleting sites instead of emailing and waiting upto a week? cause in this generation no one is keeping their site/warez with them, everyone working on site then selling it :(
@ noumanta: I said we had to coordinate it with a tech so they can show the paid status after we've WIRED it. That's what happens when you need special treatment, we need to pull people out to do special service. Monday we will send it.

@Ricky yes i undestand just little stressed but i know that you do your best .and i thank you for your supports

@ cober: Glad to hear that. And yes SL people have great internet and routing to Europe and other places. Amazing place for home-internet ...Likewise for Czechs :) ...we just pay our bills and that's all ;)

@ illetyus2: We will look into it on Monday if it persists. This is for netload?

@ noumanta: Monday we pay you.
@ dorukhan: Changed it back to the email you received your $$$ on first time. Please use password retrieval to get it.

@ huaker: Someone redeemed a ton of coupons via your account - We will disable users and coupons that were used fraudulently. Can't promise the money to be back in your account :)

@ Gerner: Here's a few of them:
1. Public leech
2. Programs such as Multiposter 4 with a trojan to it.
3. Being an idiot.

Pick one.

you can change paypal and mail ricky?
AlertPay debit card delivering costs too much 60$, this way i won't order it as long as it's expensive, i'm wondering why they display all fees except deliver fee !!
Since it's for selected members, shipping fee supposes to be free.
Some people are trying to circumvent the fileserve's captcha. They have developed a plugin to do so. If you want to send me a private message and I give you the link where the plugin is published.

Fileserver uploaders pays well and its not fair to do this

pd: i use google traslate, my english is no good...
HI Ricky :)

I just have Question

ts there any way to upload file 3 GB in Size

Cause I found Single Link 3 GB ?!?!

how could that be Please

I a Premium but maximum File Size is 2 GB

thank you
You can upload files bigger than 2 GB using FTP.

But... you wont get any credits for the downloads and the files are deleted whenever FS feels like it.
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