FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ all: You got a time gap of approximately 15-20 hours to press 1 button. I'd assume you guys check your accounts quite regularly, knowing that some of you press "F5" (refresh) every 20 minutes.

It says it already sent the payment but i haven't got it yet, is that just some lag or something? I usually get the payment before the status changes.
have someone can help me here ??
my account can not login !!!
my account name : davdoff8503
he say : Your account has been disabled due to violations of our Terms and Conditions.

me no have any Referrals.....
me not do anythings no good , and me already buy the six mounth premiun account until 2012 May , why u like that disable my account ?????
@ abc78916: Oh really? Who is "davdoff" then? Don't give a sh!t about your Premium account - for all I know we've gotten back what you cheated us by keeping your Premium.
@RickyFS they always shout RIP and SCAM, but hhmm
I just found out your abc guy is referring davdoff in the other thread lol. Give me a break...
I am a premium uploader member of fileserve from Iran
I cant access to filserve directly from Iran
so I use remote desktop and access to fileserve with windows server from NL (leaseweb)
I upload files with this server remotly very fast and no problem in this section
but when I click in my files for download them, I recive error 602 page and seems I cant download premium any files from fileserve
Please solve my problem.
My account username: filegir
My server IP :
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