FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Would you please reply me? Will you continur blocking my account or will reactivate it? I don't understand the problem with you. I've never seen such rudeness... you block people's paid accounts, you don't reply their meassages. What is the matter with you?
I need a satisfactory explanation if you'll keep my account inactive
Jdownloader show me "account disabled"

in the last weeks i'm facing problems with fileserve service.
I got a premium account and i've renew recently.
Now i'm not able to connect to fileserve site and i'm forced to use a vpn to connect (i've already contacted support twice... no answer).
Until yesterday was working fine now jdownloader show me a popup saying that my account has been blocked and to contact RickyFS on this board.
Could you please have a look on it and tell me what's going on with my ip and account (contact by pm?)?

thanks in advance.
No use Jdownloader

I use my account on two different computers even if they are in two different parts of the world risks? Just using jdownloader.

Warning: It's forbbiden using third part programs such as Jdownloader for downloading with fileserve, new policy :D
No it's not.

Read the first page where RickyFS says this:

FileServe is running a zero-tolerance campaign against people who decides to share their account details whether this was intended or not.

Account sharing is a violation of FileServe's Terms & Conditions and will result in a Downgrade OR a Permanent Ban depending on severity. We do not care if you shared your account with your little brother/sister, friend from 100 miles away nor your great granddad in the mountains of Norway; sharing CAN have consequences for your account.

We advice that you do not give out your password, use third party software nor use untrusted service providers. Please keep your password safely secured. We will not unban users who are caught abusing our system, whether it was intended or not.

We will downgrade or stop accounts without prior notice. It is your duty to change your password regularly and have one that is strong enough to resist easy bruteforcing (this means no 123456, qazwsx, your username [etc].)

Hint: Change your password as frequently as every 3 days if you want to stay on top of any issues.

Jdownloader is a third party software...ops, you don't know, do you? You can use ONLY their fantastic program fileserve manager :D
Read the first page where RickyFS says this:

FileServe is running a zero-tolerance campaign against people who decides to share their account details whether this was intended or not.

Account sharing is a violation of FileServe's Terms & Conditions and will result in a Downgrade OR a Permanent Ban depending on severity. We do not care if you shared your account with your little brother/sister, friend from 100 miles away nor your great granddad in the mountains of Norway; sharing CAN have consequences for your account.

We advice that you do not give out your password, use third party software nor use untrusted service providers. Please keep your password safely secured. We will not unban users who are caught abusing our system, whether it was intended or not.

We will downgrade or stop accounts without prior notice. It is your duty to change your password regularly and have one that is strong enough to resist easy bruteforcing (this means no 123456, qazwsx, your username [etc].)

Hint: Change your password as frequently as every 3 days if you want to stay on top of any issues.

Jdownloader is a third party software...ops, you don't know, do you? You can use ONLY their fantastic program fileserve manager :D

You're not very good at reading mate.

They advise you don't use 3rd party programs because most of the time they are just some kind of scam to steal your password.

Go troll somewhere else please.

You're not very good at reading mate.

They advise you don't use 3rd party programs because most of the time they are just some kind of scam to steal your password.

Go troll somewhere else please.

Copy and paste from a Jdownloader's support thread. The title of the thread is Fileserve Premium ISSUES and a comunity manager called pspzockerscene says this: "The worst reason for banning your account could be JDownloader because fileserve doesn't really like us. Please check that and ask their support!". Here you can read the post. Now who can't read mate?
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Copy and paste from a Jdownloader's thread. The title of the thread is Fileserve Premium ISSUES and a comunity manager called pspzockerscene says this: "The worst reason for banning your account could be JDownloader because fileserve doesn't really like us. Please check that and ask their support!". Here you can read the post. Now who can't read mate?

I can read just fine, that still has absolutely nothing to do with whats on the front page.

And it still doesn't mean that you're not aloud to use jdownloader or 3rd party programs.

I use jdownloader on both my home and rdp, and i have no problems with it.
error 612


I've been getting a 612 error code for about a month now.

I have NOT shared my account with anyone and I don't think I was hacked. I tried to reach Fileserve via the contacts page and I believe I was polite.

I would be very grateful if you could sort out this situation. I will try to send you my details via private message.

Yours sincerely,

Luis N Sancho
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Open Letter to Ricky FS


I fully agree that dirty leechers are just that LEECHERS!!!, however
I notice in an earlier post that you wrote that you are aware that innocents may have been caught up in your purge of these said dirty leechers. I know that in you heart, you are aware that you have banned many innocents in an attempt to ban these leechers. Do you believe this collateral damage is ok!

How does that make you any better than the leechers you are trying to stop.

You have knowingly taken these peoples money and are not providing the promised service. Does that not make you a thief too.

Just a couple of stats for you to chew over.... I have 5 acquaintances who have all paid for premium fileserve accounts . that is 6 honost people who have paid you money. All behind double firewalls. Your filter has banned 5 of us.
Now Im sure your believe that we have bought 1 account, and are sharing the user name and password between us. But trust me when I say this is not the case. As you are such a clever man Im sure you relies that this is a 83% faulse positive.
If you can get it wrong in this little corner of the globe amongst 6 friends, I can only imagine how wrong you have got this on a global scale.

My god Ricky how could you have got this so wrong!!!!

Any way I know you are sitting there making up excuse after excuse for the damage you have done to the innocents saying it is for the greater good.
but nothing excuses theft. just as i dont excuse the dirty leechers who are steeling from you.

The INTERNET is a dynamic world (excuse the pun), and you and the world knows your filter is not 100% efficient, and until it is you should do the right thing by the innocents whom you are steeling from, and turn it off.

To finish this is not a letter to beg for you to reinstate my account, but a letter to inform you that I no longer wish to do buisness with a thief like you and the company you run...You have stolen from me and 4 of my friends.

We have already signed up to filesonic, and canceled our auto payment with you company through paypal.

Small change to you, but im sure this is being repeated in tens of thousands of homes world wide.

And please don't reply saying you are slowly going through the tickets and reinstating accounts.
It is obvious from the tone of your posts that if you believe that someone is sharing account details, or have had their logins scammed that you will not help them at all. This is where you have screwed the pooch

Id guess your new policy has probably reduced your customer base world wide by around a half.

This will all hit home soon Ricky.

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I think they realize that its not 100% efficient every time, and that is shown by them unbanning people who send in tickets showing that they are not "dirty leechers" or what ever you want to call them.
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