FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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If he cant fix it, its ok. I just would like to know why it happen. I just want to know what happen. I got good use from it so no biggy

Page 1 updated. We don't have a download limit. Only leech services claim this - but we don't allow them either on our service, but would you believe them if they told you your grandma just passed away? Think twice please.

@ djkelaj: Are you a new employee for us since you can speak on behalf of us? Since I don't see anyone new step into the office recently.

@ dino1: You have "mail"
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I can not use the payout


2011-11-27 .I put a payment order, but the account still does not work "my account 's pending"
I can not payout
please tell me the time to payout
thank you
Blocked by JDownloader

Hi Ricky...

My user name is Sharnubi

I'm using JDownloader and the message is:

"Hoster problems"

And the message I got from JDownloader is:

It seems like your account has been blocked by fileserve.
To unblock it, please visit the fileserve Supportforum and contact the User "RickyFS".
By clicking on OK a browser instance will open which leads to the fileserve Supportforum.

Your premium account has been deactivated in JD to prevent further problems.
If you leave it that way JDownloader will continue to download as a free user from


Is there any ways to fix this problem ?

Thanks before
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policy continues to block fileserve JD. Have valid reasons for them but I'm not using my premium by more than a month. For logistical reasons, I am forced to use a dedicated server remotely as my job takes me to turn the europe and I can only be accessed remotely to my server. Blocked all ip doubt but if you declare a static IP that there are problems?
I hope to solve this problem or mediafire for me is not the best of other providers of similar services.
Sorry for my post with google translator.
RickyFS, Ooops I forgot to send you my email for apply, I just replied according to the
YOUR previous (PAST) replied in previous pages. As I read there (can quote them)
you had told there you do not support JD and BAN is BAN. I plan to use RDP but I'm affraid of to be banned.
RickyFS, Ooops I forgot to send you my email for apply, I just replied according to the
YOUR previous (PAST) replied in previous pages. As I read there (can quote them)
you had told there you do not support JD and BAN is BAN. I plan to use RDP but I'm affraid of to be banned.

Just because they don't support jd doesn't mean you can't use it.
Your account has been disabled due to violations of our Terms and Conditions

My account has been disabled without emailing me. If the problem is the multiple ips, why didn't you block my premium account one week ago, before it expired? I have just renewed it for another year and you have disabled it, it's incredible! You expect me to renew my premium account to closed it! Why don't you tell to your members that is forbidden using jdownloader? So let me say that with your policy, you'll lose a lot of members. I've sent a pm to RickyFS to reactve immediatly my account and If he doesn't it I'll block my paypal payment :@
My account was locked I do not know why.
Commanded the payment of $ 41 today and lost money and my account was blocked.
Please clarify and pay me my paycheck.
Please help.

My nick: delib11
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