FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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My average income is 20 -> 25 USD / day
I work more than before
But the money down, only 12 -> 15 USD / day
Stastic problems ?
I upload large files than ever before in the B
was usually 15 to 20 daily
Now barely a 10
this past week and the problem
What happens?
My average income is 20 -> 25 USD / day
I work more than before
But the money down, only 12 -> 15 USD / day
Stastic problems ?

I upload large files than ever before in the B
was usually 15 to 20 daily
Now barely a 10
this past week and the problem
What happens?

Easy.... more people has bought premiums...

Cadagoto, eres tu el cadagoto que creo? saludos ;)
Yeah, sure, is summer only for fileserve users, they all in vacantion, then why on other upload sites the download dosen't drop so drastically? Since they fixed the statistics, they are dropping continue.
Anyway i don't make any case, if you are not satisfied with fileserve move on to another one, is not like they are the only ptu site in the universe or something.
I don't use fileserve like before, anyway from what i notice is like kind of every filehost manipulate the results in a way or another, like them pay per sale's ptu's, you must accept that WE ALSO don't respect their TOS, so is not very big reason to complain.
You don't like it? You move on, simple.
But, at least, fileserve is one of the few ptu sites that paying for a long time ago.
But, maybe isn't manipulate (that much) the results, maybe users don't have fileserve premium acc like they use to, uploaders are moving on to other sites and the downloaders also get premium for there, instead of fileserve.
I'm sure fileserve sooner or later will come out with something to bring the uppers back, and i hope to this the reason download drop so drastic in the last 2 months..This "is summer time" is pure b... because as i said, is summer for other ptu/trackers users as well and they not have this drop.
Forgiven's download speed from fileserve (Home Connection ) .




I'll be glad if those money hungry uploaders leave fileserve, at least the whining and crying will stop.

ask that question to yourself why do you upload files?

To earn money right.

Be real if your purpose is to share your files then why are you here in this thread?

pretty simple right. im not speaking for those money hungry people but you sound like them too lol

Now back to main topic

Speed is ok earnings are just right :)
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We have seen a little drop in earnings and we will be looking into it what have caused this. We haven't changed anything in the system, so we're looking through logs to figure out what has changed for the worse (for some of you).

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The download counter is working well?
That just went up several files to you
and missing another server
and those marked fileserve to 0 all
and 4 of 4 marked another server downloads each file 1GB
Greetings ..... I hope is resolved
Ricky! Please tell me what can i do with my problem! Its almost 5 months, this is too much time!


My username: explo1515

Thanks in Advance!
Files uploaded to fileserve 1 to 30 ok ecepto the 10,15,20,25
Those files uploaded to another server

Fileserve files show 0 downloads
The files uploaded to other hosts (10,15,20,25) The missing fileserve each have 5 downloads
Problems with download counter?
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