FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Hi, have anyone the same problem as me? I tried remote upload from FSC to fileserve, but it doesn´t work. I always see link is blocked.
Thanks for help.
Stil waitin for the money since 10 days


i donno wht hapnd to Fileserve ???? so bad service
I figured out the problem , i feel like a noob. :S

Due to some reason( i'm not sure what) if i press enter after writing something in the search bar ,the file manager just refreshes the root page. But if i click the search button(at the end), i get the search results.

Pressing enter used to work before so that got me confused, but i can get used to clicking that button as well. :) :)

quite tricky ;)

sometimes searching files in FM is slow but usually prefer to press enter rather to click the search button with mouse click.
Still waiting for the earnings to be transferred :) Ricky what time it usually be transferred? so I can click on payout by then

Can anyone tell me that they earnings are already transferred?
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Still waiting for the earnings to be transferred :) Ricky what time it usually be transferred? so I can click on payout by then

Can anyone tell me that they earnings are already transferred?

usually this time now tuesday should be transfered if u ve pressed the button on sunday

even if u don't get paid this week will catch up next week (wed)


06:48 PM 21 June 2011 EST already still not yet transferred

Guess I won't be paid later tomorrow :(

any help ricky?
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I selected payout today but after my account payable turned to -0.01 really weird, is this something i should be worried about? thnx
Okay its 11:54 PM, 21 June 2011 EST but my earnings is still pending.

Obviously I didn't do anything wrong (clicked Transferred on Payout Account on July 19, 2011)

so nothing wrong with that. how come It's not yet transferred then

First time happened to me :(
@ deejam007: Correction:

You are waiting on money from the 15th, which makes it 7 days, but you requested payout on the same day we paid out, which probably meant you requested later than the cut off time @ 3AM EST.

@ CloudShadow got it pretty much spot on. I don't know how the learning curve is for some in here, but it must be pretty steep.

@ jokky: Not really :) ...It means we rounded the number off for you.

@ DBM: Good to see you around

@ powerups2: cant find user with powerups2 to the name.
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