FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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I don't think your earning has dropped because stats are frozen. It could be because people like me can't download from FS using Jdownloader anymore.

FS has added a captcha to the login page and Jdownloader can no longer download as premium user after that. I couldn't download anything yesterday. I hope FS does something to fix this asap.
I don't think your earning has dropped because stats are frozen. It could be because people like me can't download from FS using Jdownloader anymore.

FS has added a captcha to the login page and Jdownloader can no longer download as premium user after that. I couldn't download anything yesterday. I hope FS does something to fix this asap.

hmm... jdownloader works fine for me (premium).. no problem what so ever?

wish FS can auto pay each week instead of clicking all those stupid pay out / transfer button. so annoying....
Yeah as above mine also dropped 50% -60%.[Stats]
And I can prove as FS is my primary host,but FSO made me 20$ when my primary is still on 11$.That's weird.
yes i think something wrong with the stats, I constantly get 100+ downloads per day and now for 3 days I get only 50-60 downloads only.. :) Is there wrong?
WTF??? >:)

transfer to payout button is HIDING again. also 50% earnings lost yesterday and 0 earnings today. man that's sad :(

This is crazy 1 download in 3 hours?


what's happening with filerserve now?
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Ricky is the 1st of May and profits fall by 50 to 60%
And there are no answers to questions mmmmmm
Not the fileserver 1 year ago when I started ..... many problems now
Weird no?

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