FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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files in filemanager still shows 0 downloads? and my previous concern where my filemanager was stuck at 2nd page (eg: 201 - 400 of NaN objects) was resolved a few days ago but now its back to that same condition...

filemanager doesn't show all of my files and on top of that I may tend to doublepost the same file as filemanager shows 0 downloads :(
i see many people asking for all types of progress bars, update doohickeys etc... i'd say save your suggestions for the moment ;P

suggestions are always good, but my theory for the recent problems is that fileserve is trying to cope with SO many statistics updating so fast for so many files/users/etc.

instead of just throwing more servers at the problem blindly i believe they're working hard to create a more optimized system....this takes TIME and much testing even after the works done :P but results will always pay off. personally the filemanager has been getting _way_ more responsive the past couple days.

So lets hang in there and im sure FS has many things planned for their devs once everythings top notch ;)
i always keep less than 10 files in the root folder and move them to sub directories once they're uploaded.. so far i have never experienced any lagg accessing file manager. :)
I can confirm the file manager is very slow,
and now it goes unreachable so many times, I had to reload and reload and reload to get it shown at my browser.

Already tried several browser with similar results, and different ISP, same country thou....
@RickyFS: cant wait to see the new FileManager, hope it has the batch rename feature or at least we can rename tons of files in one single view with 1 single submission click. I hate the way it does now, too many clicks + time wasted to rename another
@ Prazsky: I believe it has something to do when it was uploaded. Say it was uploaded 90 days ago and it gets DMCA'd, it will never reach the list. Known bug already and something we will take care of.

@ iEncode: Well you got it spot on. Most people think its a day-to-night fix when you need to manage a database of X people (and not just 10)

As long as the downloads are working for the free users (99.X% they are) and you guys are making money and free users are getting the appropriate speed then I don't see an issue with rolling thumbs a bit more.
I'm wondering if my file has last download 59 days ago and i upgrade to premium 1 month, after my premium expired , my file will return to 60 day remain?
My file list show only 200 files while i have total 243 files, help me...
@ hd1026: There's a next page function at the bottom of your file manager.

Also the Premium will just "freeze" it until you are "free" again. After that 1 day your file MAY get deleted if it hasn't been downloaded even while you were a Premium.

Cant you do something about the storage counter for Premium users at some point?
Maybe a daily or weekly update of the counter?

'Unlimited' is not good enough imho.

Even Premium users can have a need to know how much stuff they have stored.
@ Gerner2010: We followed the way HF does it. At some point the loading of DBs need to be compromised somewhere.

@ RickyFS - when i click on ''My Files'' , the site keeps loading for a few minutes then goes to the filemanager. Is that temporary or will remain like that ?

as for HF : They have storage counters in '' file manger'' :

But FCK them anyway - ranks sucks :p
@ RickyFS - when i click on ''My Files'' , the site keeps loading for a few minutes then goes to the filemanager. Is that temporary or will remain like that ?

as for HF : They have storage counters in '' file manger'' :

But FCK them anyway - ranks sucks :p

No..When we roll out with the new file manager you should be getting some more "action" going and we will list your newest files first.
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