FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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I clicked "paid money out" in accordance with the instruction:

>>Payment Instruction<< , but did not receive the money.


This is not my first payment. Always reached at the time.
Please help me.
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I am getting the message

Your account has been disabled due to violations of our Terms and Conditions.
when I try a log in.

I have not uploaded anything or given my account information to anyone else.

Can you look into this please.

The account name is petergharris
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que coños pasa con la cuenta de fileserve que tengo pagada? que mierda pasa con la cuenta porque tengo que entrar en esta puta pagina, no entiendo nada, me hablasen españollllllll
eduardovaro translation: you p*sies about fileserve account that I have paid? that shit happens to the account because I have to get into this fucking site, I do not understand, I speak españollllllll
@ ManInIronMask & Confusious: It is AUTOMATICALLY added.

Added after 53 minutes:

@ bockonocode: I believe WMZ users already received their payments. However - Did you input the right details? If yes, have you checked if your account can receive funds and it is not "limited"? Lightkeeper accounts usually gets screwed over.

@ Dj.IcE: Can't be that slow?

@ voayegr2550: Unfortunately we cannot show the time you pressed the button but I can tell you that you most likely pressed it a bit too late. We paid at 3AM EST, approved it by 1AM EST. Anything after that would show up as your screenshot.

@ mackem: That usually happens when you download all over Poland in which you did. I'm guessing you're the UK user? (and it would be recommended that you do not post your username in here - reckless behaviour as such is probably why they bruteforced/stole your account)
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@ RickyFS: Have you read my previous posts?

I am a premium uploader member of fileserve from Iran
I cant access to filserve directly from Iran
so I use remote desktop and access to fileserve with windows server from NL (leaseweb)
I upload files with this server remotly very fast and no problem in this section
but when I click in my files for download them, I recive error 602 page and seems I cant download premium any files from fileserve
Please solve my problem.
My account username: filegir
My server IP :

screenshot from my acc:

screenshot from my problem:
Hi Ricky , its seems i have problem with counting in my acc. in file list i see 97+ donloads but in statistics i see just 10-18DLs and its weird cant reach more than 50DLs in statistics but when I count DLs in file list its more than 50.. :(
I sent pm to you RickyFs about error 612 with my ip and login name. I bought premium account but i couldn't use it yet. May you fix it please ?
@ cQsvka: Page 1. Thanks :)
Ahh i think i found it .. if you mean this "This means:
-Downloads that were counted as successfully downloaded by free users.
-Downloads that were counted as 1 unique successful download by a Premium user per 24 hours."

it meanswhen PU download 20 files it count only 1 ?
and when free user DL 20 it count 20?

or Im wrong?
Hello Ricky,

My premium account ended today & I want to convert my earning to renew it. As I've just transferred my earning today to the payout page, I'm wondering my extra files will be deleted before I can extend the account.

Good day.
Ahh i think i found it .. if you mean this "This means:
-Downloads that were counted as successfully downloaded by free users.
-Downloads that were counted as 1 unique successful download by a Premium user per 24 hours."

it meanswhen PU download 20 files it count only 1 ?
and when free user DL 20 it count 20?

or Im wrong?

You're right ! :)
@ Koku: That's determined by the system. I cannot tell exactly if they will survive the weekend or not.

@ charles: Logout, login, ctrl + f5. I believe this is on Page 1.
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