FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Keep from getting FS Hacked

Thanks RickyFS for the help. Does anyone know how to keep from getting hacked other than changing your password often? I use Internet download manager if that a problem please let me know. I use my account at work (University) and at home (Comcast). Is the only problem when 2 Ips are being used at the same time because I am the only user or just different Ips? My work Ip changes at different parts of the Campus. :(
So is IDM ok to use behind good firewall? :'(

If you're going to get hacked its going to happen regardless of what downloading software you use. (unless of course its some random software no one has ever heard of that is desgined to steal your passwords..) A quick google search can tell you that though.

Most people get hacked because they have easy passwords and they get bruteforced, and others are stupid enough to fall for phishing scams. I can't even count how many times I've come across hacked filehosting accounts posted on forums where users have the exact same password as their username, it's ridiculous.

I suggest generating a password from

and only entering it on computers you know are secure.
after long times came to read details on FS thread....seems that this thread has become support THREART.
Is it like that you grew bigger , feels so high,then change behavior and start to contempt the affiliates???

Thanks RickFS for replying. So I live in Australia and download in Pakistan, interesting, I wonder how?.
So what can be done about this? Could you change my password?
Account Blocked

Hi RickyFS,
For the reason of accountsharing my account got blocked.
I do not share my account with any1, nor will I ever do that.
I think the reason why the admins blocked my account is because sometimes I download at college on my fileserve account ( this isn't against the ToS I assume? ) so it might seem like somebody else with a different IP is downloading on my account but I can assure you it is only me using the account. The downloadspeed at college is twice as fast as at home e-mail is I hope I have given you enough information about the matter, if there are any problems would you be so kind to e-mail me your response for I do not follow these forums 8-)

Kind regards,
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1707 landing error

I got here after a bit of research on the net about contacting FS support. Although I've seen in this thread that mine is a rather common problem, I do hope there can be a successful solution.
I bought today a 1 year membership, after a few minutes into downloading a file through jdownloader, it stopped and I received a "unknown landing
error", this repeated itself for any fileserve link I was trying to download.
I was really taken aback, since I had bought a whole year just a couple of minutes before, but after a while I tried downloading through the web, and I received a message stating that my account had been blocked for 24 hours, with a landing 1707 Error, and that I should change my password in order to avoid a ban.
I changed my password, which I doubt it will do any good, since I am already the sole user of my account, which has been blocked after a few minutes after the purchase of the membership, thus it's impossible it's been hijacked. I have to state that I live in Italy, where ISP providers use the dynamic IP. I believe that must be the cause of the problem. I imagine some other country fellows must have had a different and successful experience, but apparently to me it costed a block. Yes, it happens that my connection crashes a couple of time during the day, but I never had problems in the past with other hosts, nor with FS when I tried it out for 1 month membership.
I hope there might be a solution, because since I have to bear with my ISP provider, I'm afraid my 24 hours block might turn into a ban, losing my account without having had the chance to enjoy it for more than 5 minutes (and it was, unfortunately, a 1 year membership).

Hoping to be doing business with you for yet a long long time, thank you in advance.


I had cancelled my recurring payment for fileserve.
(You successfully canceled the following recurring payment. PayPal will no longer bill you.)Profile ID: I-GREGRDFF4M62

I just received an email today from paypal saying that :You sent an automatic payment to FileServe Ltd. $9.99
Automatic payment number:I-6UFBARV8B9GY
Billing cycle:
Every 30 Days

Payments start:
Jun 29, 2011

Next payment due:
Dec 27, 2011

Next payment amount:
$9.99 USD
What the Hell is going with your payment system?????????????????????

My account is Blocked for no reason since 1 week now i'm paying for something i'm not using.

I had purchased a 1 month premium account on 18th NOV 2011. My account was supposed to be expired on 18th DEC 2011 only 10 days left.

@RickyFS: You are the only one who can helped please do something.
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riotous, I have not enough money in my paypal (virtual credit card has 1 cent only)
and even if fileserve wants rebill, NO CHANCE for rebill, and to remote payment info
u can send help request from paypal to cancel rebill of fileserve and had asked paypal
about it and they had canceled it and showed me how to do. Never connect your real
credit card with PAYPAL, always use VIRTUAL card and keep 1-2 cent in card to prevent
abnormal rebilling of companies. I had same problem with a company around here.
Site name start with B they had twice rebill after I request my money
they banned me. And Thanks god PAYPAL send my money back with REFUND and
send 10.000$ punishment cause of REFUSING of my REFUND and warn them not to
do again. TRUST TO PAYPAL, they are very good and try to contact them.
unauthorized payment


Thank you so much for your reply. I have just sent paypal an email about this issue and i said in my email that is trying to steal my money without my consent and even after cancelling my recurring payment.

As proof, i have captured my paypal webpages like the date i cancelled and the automatic payment done by fileserve ltd.

I hope i will get an answer soon from paypal and from RickyFS also as he works for fileserve.
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