FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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So, no response to my PM or my Ticket for three days now. Can I assume that Fileserve doesn't even give a fuck about Users that are actually uploading a lot of stuff and make money?

Guess I'll have to switch to a filehost that isn't operated by total ignorants.
So, no response to my PM or my Ticket for three days now. Can I assume that Fileserve doesn't even give a fuck about Users that are actually uploading a lot of stuff and make money?

Guess I'll have to switch to a filehost that isn't operated by total ignorants.

Totally agree mate. Just escalated my dispute claim to Paypal due to ridiculous answers to emails that werent even connected to what I asked them! All I keep getting from them is "We are working as fast as possible to resolve the matter!" What use is that when my account will expire before they get it fixed? Everyone should just file a dispute with who they paid through.
BTW... they didnt even reply to the claims in Paypal! Ignorant firm.

Hi Ricky,

You told me I was to receive the payment on Tuesday, I have not received.
This is normal? Should I wait?

Thank you to you. (:
I just bought a 400euros dedicated server and after 1 week I'm not able to download from fileserve but only upload!

How can I solve that problem?

thanks in advance!
solidusnake. Rather than replying. You should pm RIcky your IP/username.
He will look at it and hopefully your fixed after.

I had the same problem in RDP.
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