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I never work for Side Income , As i am from good rich family and have enough Pocket money for relish my all habits. I do create plugins for helping people and Increase my Knowledge.

Creating Plugins for your own site showing your Amateur behavior.Still Some BIGGEST hosting companies Consider Rapidleech as Illegal Script as it use to Leech Illegal/Legal files , and propagate Piracy.This Script is created By VIRUS just for personal usage.So Usage of this script by Uploaders is not WRONG , but usage of This script by FILE HOSTERS is ...?,Till then to now , Much improvements are done on this script and Its now Under copyrighted Under the name Of KLOON and I am the part ADMIN STAFF of this Esteemed group
Did you take your English classes seriously or do you just have difficulties reading in between the lines? Your rich background & heritage obviously didn't come with a personal tutor in English.

There is nothing wrong about providing a plugin to our users. You on the other hand wants to start charging people (:))). Please use the correct punctuations next time - Reading your sentences is making my eyes tired and trying to decipher it makes me even more tired.

Do you actually want to speak about copyright laws? By which lawyer(s) & company was his TOS written by? Who can we contact for legal purposes?
What cheap acts?

I haven't even entered Rapidleech's forum...EVER.
Of course there isn't a point in arguing. Do remember, who started replying with obnoxious remarks.
I posted a Image there, just for the Showing that .......Thats you , who tried to spam The forum with some Cheap template and Plugins, and Replying useless Posts to increase your post counts.
I didnt said any obnoxious remarks , as you are sayin. I just said all Lines as A Neutral Person.......What line Hurted you or make you feel offended?
Honestly, what are you talking about? I don't even know the URL of your forum for the sake of it. I can probably find it, but have no intentions of doing so. In fact, I'll just release the plugin in this topic when we have it ready - Happy? Then people will save 5 bucks and smile.

Like I stated in the previous post; try to read in between the lines - Even your own. I'm confident you are able to find the part where you shouldn't address people the way you did.
Thats The Biggest Lie You are saying ...
1st...The Email registered is of , currently you are not giving Email ID to open People
2nd...Your site template should Be only with you , then how can any other person can do post it ?
3rd...The plugin posted there , are Made in sake of fileserve , and Used with proxy protected functions, so that no one can do use proxy for download on rapidleech
4th.. Your site is not much popular that , People got interested in Your site plugin , neither your site plugin is requested in Request section yet.Then why a Person go there just for posting your site plugins and Template??
You have only 4 DELETED posts there all related to fileserve .........Now do have any answer of questions above ??
Hey buddy,

-Which bit of "I'VE NEVER BEEN ON YOUR FORUM" didn't you understand? I haven't registered for your site. Get it?
-Don't know what you're talking about with the template just being me (??)
-Ok, so it's made for FS. Then what?
-Our site can't be popular, no? Is that why I got an inbox full of people asking for the plugin? Is that why we've grown more than any other site in the last 2.5 months? I don't even know why I'm justifying and keep replying to such a rude individual like you - Look at the figures on black and white and look at our open communication with our affiliates. If you've had some more interest in making money on the Internet, you would know that communication and keeping the channels open is alpha & omega.
-I have suddenly deleted posts? Please don't make the assumption that we are 1 or 2 employed at FS.

Best regards,

Say whatever You want , Truth never do change here is The screenshot again :
And what does that prove? You blur out the IP and the email leaving me with no options to think that could even be one of our employees.

FS Cool? I've never used an alias like that before.

Furthermore, should I just draw out my photoshop skills and started adding your name?
RickyFS i am nobody to enter in your discussions, proper way to solve this issue is contact DEVLIZ through pm here or at rapidleech site and ask them to make a plugin of "THERE" script for your site and release it officially, of course you are going to use it for your commercial use so why not pay a few bucks to end this conversation, as you are also paying good amount to uploaders?
I can Show The IP and the EMAIL , But I dont wanna ADVERTISE you or Your Email for this purpose, This screenshot Proves That , YOU registered Here...and saying lie..
If any one wanna see the original screen , i can do show him Via Team Viewer
@kohkindachi , i am agree with you
Also "" email is not Given to any People except staff of FILESERVE , so The spamming post responsibility should be taken to RICKYFS. and he should admit his wrongful act
I can Show The IP and the EMAIL , But I dont wanna ADVERTISE you or Your Email for this purpose, This screenshot Proves That , YOU registered Here...and saying lie..
If any one wanna see the original screen , i can do show him Via Team Viewer

You can find my email all over the net if you have seen my topics, advertising our upload payout.

- ricky @ - Was that the one? I've never received any confirmation email of such from your forum.

Match the IP with the IP used on this board. I'll be more than happy to have a mod confirm that it wasn't me.

@mRAza: it has NOTHING to do with money. Our financial state is in good order and we would be happy to pay for this plugin. HOWEVER, I'll make that decision that we aren't going to. Why? Watch **DEVILZ**'s replies. Rude, obnoxious and downright unprofessional when you start slinging unprovoked insults. And we aren't using it for commercial use - In fact we aren't even using their program - USERS are.
DEVILZ, the owner of a company cannot take full blame over anything the employer does. Expecially on the internet. So, just resolve this with RickyFS so that he - in turn - takes care of it.
People Like you deserve only Insults , as You are Lier being a Site admin.How can a Person register with a forum with email validation with "" email. which is not given to open public yet....Till 2 hours back.I dont know , if you start it now , for covering up your lie
I still have no idea what you are talking about - I haven't registered to your site, I've never been to your site, nor do I know what the other employees are doing. Do you have any idea how many we are working on this?

You trying to pin this on me is downright rude. You wanting me to take responsibility for something I have no idea of is downright rude. You resolving to insults because your English is more broken than a gypsy's from Romania is downright rude too.

I'll let you know when I have it in my hands, so anyone can PM me instead of PM'ing you.

Best regards,


PS. I'm not the owner. I'm not the "site admin" (is that IRC talk?) - I'm a business developer who has been in the Internet biz for quite some time - Most likely longer than you, and in my path I have bumped into individuals like yourself, and guess how they turned out? I'll leave that in the open. One advice I do have for you: Fix your English and stop selling plugins for a fiver when you claim your bank account being "thicker" than Donald Trump's empire.
DEVILZ you are an idiot.. You make such a big fuzz because fileserve want's to create its own plugin and not pay you $5 to make it? Honestly?? You are pathetic.

I will Distribute the Plugin thing for free to all people , There is Nothing Like 5$ mess..The point is.....He messed all The forum just By his cheap plugin on rapidleech forum and Dont admit his cheap act.
There is No point of 5$ plugin...I will distribute it free to all People on Thursday
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