- 110% Pay Per Sale with 15$/1000 Downloads

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If file size is less than 50MB then 0$ for 1000. Those files only qualify for PPS Program.

Do you also knowing what you write?

If i had a file which isnT counting of Filesize, I donT write something.

Fact is, they count 105 MB files from Germany as 2 $ per 1000 DL. so they cheat, and this directly at beginning.

Also they have no 2 $ Plan, so it doesn't matter. They count nothing or correctly, so your post is senseless.

P.S And only for you.

It's impossible to offer 5/10/15 for Free/registered/premium and then count only 2 $, Its impossible and so they are liar or cheater or what ever you want.
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Hi Filegaze

3downloads ____ 0.006 ??????????~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!

Against the above question asked by mahmoudahmed92 you replied simply by saying

Unique downloads ? File size ? 100% completed ?

Can u explain how the amt. can be 0.006.

If out of 3 at least 1 download is unique it can be 0.005 if you pay @5$/1000.

But how can it be be 0.006.

Or there may be 1 full 100% download(unique) and another 20% incomplete download(unique) and so you are also paying in fraction for the fraction incomplete download.

What a joke.

So either you are a big fool or we are fools to believe you.
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Affiliate Program :

•We have a mixed PPD + PPS Plan.
•Pay Per Sale Rate is 80%.
•Pay Per Download Rates are as follows :
We pay 5$/1000 Downloads for Free Users. We pay 10$/1000 Downloads for Registered Users. We pay 15$/1000 Downloads for Premium Users.

We get money for downloads + 80% of sales right?
how to change from pdd to pps and vice-versa?
and what is the maximum filesize to download for free users?
anyone please answer?
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Now it's 60 second for free user ....

Please up to 1gb or 800mb for guest for download file.

edit : Why put that Paypal to buy premium?, Knowing that it blocks the paypal hosts file, as Fooget for 180 days, Rapidgator too ....

We need to change that as people were abusing our servers.
We cant make 1 gb for guest download.
Paypal is best payment processor for everybody.

Please, Add webmoney as payment method!!

Sorry, we cant add webmoney.

is it 1 download per file per ip per 1000 downloads or 1 download per ip per 1000 downloads??
please reply admin...

1 download per ip per 1000.

Do you know what you are writing?

You have 5/10/15 $ per 1000 DL.

So why you count 2 $? You haven't this in your PPD.

So you are cheating, this has nothing to do with various plans, because you don't have a 2 $ Plan.
So you are lying.

We are not lying. We were having some changes in the site back end and i have update the main post so you can check now.

If file size is less than 50MB then 0$ for 1000. Those files only qualify for PPS Program.

Yes, you are right.

Automatic mean, If i get a sales on day it will automatically select PPD... If i get so many downloads it will automatically select PPS:facepalm:

No, Automatic means you are both on PPD and PPS. You will always get for downloads but even if sale comes, you will still get for 80% of that sale.

We get money for downloads + 80% of sales right?


how to change from pdd to pps and vice-versa?
and what is the maximum filesize to download for free users?
anyone please answer?

PPS and PPD are both active at the same time. You dont need to change it. Free download size for free users = 400 MB

Free users were abusing our servers so we were forced to add captchas.
Also waiting time increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.

Sales is working? please add photo.

Yes, they are working. Sorry, i dont have any screenshot. Some user might update the screenshot in this post.
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Other good for you this...

You can make money by sharing your links with friends, family and even strangers! Everyone can earn money - its easy!

  • We have a mixed PPD + PPS Plan.
  • Pay Per Sale Rate is 80%.
  • Pay Per Download Rates are as follows :
    We pay 1$/1000 Downloads for Free Users.
    We pay 5$/1000 Downloads for Registered Users.
    We pay 10$/1000 Downloads for Premium Users.
so if one user (ip) downloaded 6 diffident files they are 6 downloads 0.006 or one download 0.001 ???? answer this to be clear about your system since it's juts 1$/1K
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