Enlighten me - Alertpay

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Active Member
I never worked with Alertpay myself, but it seems that most of you prefer it over other payment systems. What are the advantages for you that you get with Alertpay and don't get with other payment systems? Thanks guys!
if u can use PP, dont ever use AP. Reason most of the online payment processors accept PP & not AP. AP is just alternative for ppl who cant use PP for some or other reason. I wont say AP is bad or something but not all the ppl have AP
You know, dont ever try, first you cant withdraw the money ecept with Bank Wire.

Also someone scamed me some days ago i opened a dispute and they ae not trying to answer my dispute.

An idea, They are just Lazy to Work, use paypal dude the best <3
I understand that most don't use paypal because of the restrictions. Still would like to know the AP advantages
there is no advantages in using AP. it is the opposite, fees are very high compared to other paying sites.

there is any site which we can use to buy goods/products online like ebay or amazon

i personally use AP because Paypal does not support my country. If Paypal were to support my country tomorrow, i will definitely quit AP. NO HESITATION unless they improve their fees, which is no where near to happen.
Hi Kate,

There are several advantages to using AlertPay!
We support more industries then any other payment processor.
We operate and provide merchant services to over 190+ countries.
We are growing rapidly and are continually offering new features and listening to the needs and wants of our members.
And we offer excellent member support letting people come to us by contacting us by phone, email, Facebook and Twitter, and we even proactively go out to solve problems but helping out in forums and other platforms where our members are asking questions!

Hope this helps :)
Chris Z
Online Community Support
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