Don't Understand Why File Hostings Have Less Rates For Asian Countries

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If you think it's not fair then open an online shop trying to sell something. You'll find out fairly quickly why they don't pay high for these countries.

This is going to sound weird but targeting traffic is very important. I've being targeting USA traffic as you earn a lot more. In fact it's better to have a lower amount of traffic if it's from better countries than having loads of traffic that's all from India.

More info on my research here
Because of low pay rates from the advertisements companies
like adsense adbrite etc

and also low rate of premium accounts

BTW i'm a file hosting owner. But we don't have any rates for any countries all are the same.

Best Regards
almost all big file hosts do not have any ads on their page. Hotfile doesn't use any ads, no?

well, the answer is obvious I think. less premium sales from Asian though it is the biggest continents of the earth.

but I think file hosting will change the rates for a country if they see lots of premium sales. for example, Hotfile does not list Mexico and Malaysia in their paid download countries initially. then they change it after they see many premium sales from those countries.

Quote from Hotfile news:
New paid download countries were added
Starting from today we add these countries to our paid download countries list:

South Africa
New Zealand
Yea i think you all may be right but I still think that there should be a solution to this stuff so that Asians are not completely ignored or discouraged...:(

Isn't there anyone to talk on new ideas rather than just bringing changes to the old ideas...
Simple, because an Asian will do anything he can to download for free.. He will never consider paying when there are free ways. (statistically speaking).. Why? Because he has a monthly salary of $500 where the American has $4000.
Most of Asian don't have credit card(maybe only 10% have it). So they can't used paypal or others. Try to give other payment method(internet banking) or find the good local re-seller.

I used to sell RS acc at the same price as RS offer and get pay by internet banking from my country. I can sell 30-40 acc/day only from member of 1 warez forum.

They're very interested on buying from legal source but they can't. I'm from asia anyway.
All the so called expert comments on Asian countries are well..., out dated. And people like me are very happy that most of the folks here think like this, that means less competition for me. You can make big money from Chinese traffic, you have to know how. Asian in general behave differently from American or European. What sells in the west may not work in Asia. You have to hit the right button!

The purchasing power of an ordinary Chinese may be lower than westerner, but the number of population who has purchasing power on par or even higher than average in the west is huge. Instead of going after the rich Scandinavian, I would rather sell to those small portion of Chinese population who can afford my stuffs. The number of this small portion is many times the total population of Scandinavia combined.

Oh and one more thing. Having high purchasing power doesn't mean anything if you don't know how to sell. Don't believe me? Try taking your wonder sales pitch to Japan and see what happen. Don't tell me Japanese have lower purchasing power than the European.
All the so called expert comments on Asian countries are well..., out dated. And people like me are very happy that most of the folks here think like this, that means less competition for me. You can make big money from Chinese traffic, you have to know how. Asian in general behave differently from American or European. What sells in the west may not work in Asia. You have to hit the right button!

The purchasing power of an ordinary Chinese may be lower than westerner, but the number of population who has purchasing power on par or even higher than average in the west is huge. Instead of going after the rich Scandinavian, I would rather sell to those small portion of Chinese population who can afford my stuffs. The number of this small portion is many times the total population of Scandinavia combined.

Oh and one more thing. Having high purchasing power doesn't mean anything if you don't know how to sell. Don't believe me? Try taking your wonder sales pitch to Japan and see what happen. Don't tell me Japanese have lower purchasing power than the European.

Oh thats the answer I was looking for....
Thanks Gonzo for talking something new rather than just saying what all others are saying....

Thanks very much....8-)
@samsexy98 What are your experiences? I know you're earning from Megashare same as me. And they pay me well on Asian downloads 70% of ad rev and 20% of premium accounts. Is it not working for you?
Since you're reaching out for a solution here. I'd challenge anyone to offer us a better solution than megashare as I know from experience it pays more than hotfile fileserve and filesonic alround perhaps especially for Asian traffic.
@samsexy98 What are your experiences? I know you're earning from Megashare same as me. And they pay me well on Asian downloads 70% of ad rev and 20% of premium accounts. Is it not working for you?
Since you're reaching out for a solution here. I'd challenge anyone to offer us a better solution than megashare as I know from experience it pays more than hotfile fileserve and filesonic alround perhaps especially for Asian traffic.

I think you missed to read this...

Megashare is the best for me and I will stay with them forever no matter what the rates are...:D
Rates on Megashare do not matter much for me because people of Megashare are really helpful...I hope you agree on this....

No one can better than Megashare even if the competitor pays more than Megashare...B-)
almost all big file hosts do not have any ads on their page. Hotfile doesn't use any ads, no?

well, the answer is obvious I think. less premium sales from Asian though it is the biggest continents of the earth.

but I think file hosting will change the rates for a country if they see lots of premium sales. for example, Hotfile does not list Mexico and Malaysia in their paid download countries initially. then they change it after they see many premium sales from those countries.

Quote from Hotfile news:

I didn't say all! and for example filefactory have adsense ads on their pages.
Hey guys....

I know many of you guys use file hosting sites to get some extra income...
Oh well, If you are talking about just file hosting service, yes I can see the same. The advertisers outside the country are not ready to pay huge amount for advertising their business in our (asian) countries. Oh but don't forget the recent Rapidshare's interest in Indian Market :D.

When it comes for ads (don't say adult) there are local companies paying a lot for legal websites. I sold an advert for a Music Show (Hyd) for Rs. 500 per hour.
All the so called expert comments on Asian countries are well..., out dated. And people like me are very happy that most of the folks here think like this, that means less competition for me. You can make big money from Chinese traffic, you have to know how. Asian in general behave differently from American or European. What sells in the west may not work in Asia. You have to hit the right button!

The purchasing power of an ordinary Chinese may be lower than westerner, but the number of population who has purchasing power on par or even higher than average in the west is huge. Instead of going after the rich Scandinavian, I would rather sell to those small portion of Chinese population who can afford my stuffs. The number of this small portion is many times the total population of Scandinavia combined.

Oh and one more thing. Having high purchasing power doesn't mean anything if you don't know how to sell. Don't believe me? Try taking your wonder sales pitch to Japan and see what happen. Don't tell me Japanese have lower purchasing power than the European.

Wait. So you'd rather get 1 premium sale for every 5000 downloads compared to 1 premium sale for every 1000 downloads with USA & Western traffic? Why is that? Lucky you don't run a business
Doesn't looks like there would be a new outcome or idea through this thread...
Just need to wait for the future I guess...:(
Waiting for 2012 to come soon....
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