Do you even watch CAM's?

Do you watch cam's

  • ya

    Votes: 13 23.2%
  • no

    Votes: 43 76.8%

  • Total voters
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Sometimes, but only if its watchable and I really want to watch it.
That is, only if im too lazy or busy to go to the cinema to watch it.
I've always wondered if anyone actually watched CAMs.

I'm in the same boat as most here, wath awesome-have-to-see-films in the cinema, else wait for dvdrips...
Never, always wait for an R5 or a DVDRip.

Sometimes when it's a really really really good movie like The Hangover I download the screener ;)
The only CAM I've ever watched to the end was Batman The Dark Knight. Then I had to go to the theater to understand what the fuck was going on in the movie.
I've tried TS's too, they are a strain on my eyes haha.
Well a few years ago I was apart of a group and one of the guys aunt's owned a theater so we used to have some pretty good cams. But now a days cams are awful, you can see people getting up for more popcorn, the camera is always bouncing around ect.

Cams aren't what they used to be.

I'll only watch one if I really want to see the movie and can't make it to the theater. But sometimes they just wreck the movie in my opinion. I've seen a cam and hated the movie but when I watched it on dvd I thought it was alright because I wasn't getting angry at people moving around.
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