Depositfiles Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Depositfiles here.

i have world tariff, i sent a support ticket, lets see what they reply, right now they are counting as valid downloads 1/6 of my real downloads, i used to earn 15$ a day and now im earning 3 or 4$
I was banned with Depositfiles because of DMCA and that is only 16 links and I have about 15TB worth of files and been with them for about 1 1/2year already and had good sales and about 10-15$ earning daily and had about up to 2017 premium they are very strict but always pay on time so be careful.

That being said anyone care to give your 2hour or 6 hour premium key I just need them to redownload my files since it is not yet deleted... I know most of you have a lot so instead of your keys will expire just give them to me ^^.
Dear User,

We regret to inform you that your DepositFiles user account has been disabled subject to Cl. 8.2 of DepositFiles User Agreement for violation of Subclause 3.1.(i) of the User Agreement i.e. repeating copyright infringement.

If you believe the accusation to be false, please contact DepositFiles support team to legally file a takedown counter-notice. However be warned that the alleged copyright owners will be informed of your claims to their alleged rights, which, if untrue or misleading, will lead to legal prosecution from the copyright owners.

If you have any additional inquiries feel free to contact DepositFiles support team.

Yours sincerely,
Depositfiles Team

Is there a any chance of enable my account?
Dear User,

We regret to inform you that your DepositFiles user account has been disabled subject to Cl. 8.2 of DepositFiles User Agreement for violation of Subclause 3.1.(i) of the User Agreement i.e. repeating copyright infringement.

If you believe the accusation to be false, please contact DepositFiles support team to legally file a takedown counter-notice. However be warned that the alleged copyright owners will be informed of your claims to their alleged rights, which, if untrue or misleading, will lead to legal prosecution from the copyright owners.

If you have any additional inquiries feel free to contact DepositFiles support team.

Yours sincerely,
Depositfiles Team

Is there a any chance of enable my account?

i dot think so, open a new acc or mve to another host
@Hulhio, yes they do pay, you can request cashout at $10.

If you have the $5 bonus and want to cash it out too you need to earn $40.

If you have the $5 bonus, but wish to cash out at $10 or less than $40 that $5 doesn't count so you will need $15+ minimum.

I didn't know this when I had signed up and if I had known this I would have waited till I had $40. (Back when I was earning more rapidly).

Many people have moved away from DF because they are very strict on any copyrighted content and have banned many accounts for it.
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DF is one of the worst trackers and their criteria is just ridiculous and not acceptable min 40$ to payout it was never mentioned before. Cheating users :(

I have around $15+ but still unable to request payout:
Remind you, that the $10-minimum sum for payments is available only for active webmasters.
Unfortunately you haven't been an active webmaster during last 30-days.
Active webmasters are those Bonus Program participants, who have been active for last 30 days: there should have been uploaded no less than 10 files for this period, and every the file should have been downloaded no less than 10 times by unique users during this period.
That is why your minimum sum of money for a payment is $40.
But if you make an effort and become an active webmaster again, you will obtain the $10-minimum sum for payments available again!

This is pure cheating :facepalm:
Maybe your up for an account termination ...

Same thing happened to me last week :(

Before that I have never had trouble with payments .... maybe you requested payout to late for monday payout .. ?
this fucking site dont pay me yesterday

Me too! Bitch site. I lost all of my money. And they reply my support request: "Dear Customer! You are blocked by for participating in the Halileo bonus program because of violation the rules of User Agreement by another account!"
Bye. Shit site.