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Changing the payout info from paypal to payza is an exception (i.e. no one month limit).
Admin changed it for me when I created a ticket (
I requested them to pay me after changing to payza and they didn't lock my payment.
Now I can request my payment via payza at any time.

thks nexus for claryfying this so this change do not count towards payments.
they remove earn page from the site
what is this mean =)

It means that the end is near.I have seen this by many other hosts.Times of uplod are comming to their end for deposit.

Or it could mean that they are reworking their affiliate program but i fear they not doing this.
Dear User,

We regret to inform you that your DepositFiles user account has been disabled subject to Cl. 8.2 of Depositfiles User Agreement for violation of Subclause 3.1.(i) of the User Agreement i.e. repeating copyright infringement.

If you believe the accusation to be false, please contact Depositfiles support team to resolve the issue. However be warned that the alleged copyright owners may be informed of your claims to their alleged rights, which, if untrue or misleading, will lead to legal prosecution from such copyright owners.

Yours sincerely,
Depositfiles Team

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