CPU Usage Very High (Shared Hosting) - Please Help

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Hello one and all, I been really new to the concept to shared hosting as I've recently migrated from blogger.As it's just been
three days, I'm facing a huge challenges on my self hosted wordpress blog!

I've around 20000 pageviews daily

I'm having an offshore shared hosting and had recent downtime due to the high CPU percentage which cause the server to restart and

sites goes offline for that time.Well, I did a lot of digging to keep it to the minimum.

Thing I did -

1- Deactivated almost every plugin.(only 4 basic plugins are there)

2- No large size images.

3 - 5 posts per page

4 - No extra widgets.

I've attached the screenshots to provide you the more info.

This is my resource usage - http://i.imgur.com/pBtp0i5.jpg?1?6792

This is the load time - http://i.imgur.com/3T75VcC.jpg

Please anyone guide me through! I don't want to face anymore downtime!

Thanks in advance!
If shared hosting is not giving you the power you require, why not go for a VPS?

why should he use a VPS for a Wordpress Blog without any Plugins?!i mean if he host only wordpress then its something wrong with the Hosting Provider.

Are u using any Cronjobs?!

If not your Hosting provider should can say what is using this high CPU Resource.

Thank you for coming to rescue! Well, I'm not using any cron jobs as far as I know and the hosting provider says -
Everytime your site is accessed, there is CPU load, a lot!

I will submit again and again and show you that it remains constant/under control
and the moment I access your site
the CPU usage shoots up.
Its happening only to your site
many other websites are on the same server, yet they have in control and he showed me also.It was okay!

Then he said - you saw that none of the other sites have so highand yours has been going 100%!
If it was my server's fault, than everyone's should go high
the CPU reports indicated the load caused by YOUR hosting account.

Well, it's just been only three days and the access log I already posted above!
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Thank you for coming to rescue! Well, I'm not using any cron jobs as far as I know and the hosting provider says -
Everytime your site is accessed, there is CPU load, a lot!

I will submit again and again and show you that it remains constant/under control
and the moment I access your site
the CPU usage shoots up.
Its happening only to your site
many other websites are on the same server, yet they have in control and he showed me also.It was okay!

Then he said - you saw that none of the other sites have so highand yours has been going 100%!
If it was my server's fault, than everyone's should go high
the CPU reports indicated the load caused by YOUR hosting account.

They're also on Wj!

In my resource usage there's been this message -
Your site has been limited within the past 24 hours

CPU resources were limited for your site
You have reached entry processes (number of simultaneously running php and cgi scripts, as well as cron jobs and shell sessions) limit 412 times

Well, it's just been only three days and the access log I already posted above!

Some hosting providers are unable to configure their servers properly for basic scripts like wordpress, i would advise going for another host that knows how to set up their servers.

Out of interest, which host are you with?
did you installed any Plugins since this High CPU usage?!

maybe nulled WP Plugins?!i know much people doing this and 90% of this Plugins have Malware & are Infected with some codes.

I suggest you to Backup all take any free hosting service and check if its happening there again if not then your Server Provider has no Idea what he is doing ;)
I've around 20000 pageviews daily

Thing I did -

1- Deactivated almost every plugin.(only 4 basic plugins are there)

2- No large size images.

3 - 5 posts per page

4 - No extra widgets.

This is my resource usage - http://i.imgur.com/pBtp0i5.jpg?1?6792

This is the load time - http://i.imgur.com/3T75VcC.jpg

Thanks in advance!

Which 4 plugins are remaining? As your CPU usage increase, so did memory. It's plausible that the host could be overloaded and out of memory causing a CPU spike.

Would need more information about your exact setup. IO doesn't look particularly high to be an issue.
See the plugin results - http://i.imgur.com/ayETZok.jpg

The plugin which taking all the load is circled in RED is also the ONE which I used to scan and get these results! Any free hosting, please suggest!


did you installed any Plugins since this High CPU usage?!

maybe nulled WP Plugins?!i know much people doing this and 90% of this Plugins have Malware & are Infected with some codes.

I suggest you to Backup all take any free hosting service and check if its happening there again if not then your Server Provider has no Idea what he is doing ;)

---------- Post added at 02:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:20 PM ----------


1 - Blogger 301 Redirect

2 - Blogger Importer

3 - Contact Form 7

4 - Page Links To

5 - Special Recent Posts FREE Edition

Which 4 plugins are remaining? As your CPU usage increase, so did memory. It's plausible that the host could be overloaded and out of memory causing a CPU spike.

Would need more information about your exact setup. IO doesn't look particularly high to be an issue.

---------- Post added at 02:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 PM ----------

My CPU usage from past 30 minutes - http://i.imgur.com/9n9ukwU.png
did u bother to use WP super cache plugin ? because its dramatically decrease the server load by serving static file, wordpress is resource eating platform ...... also this will decrease your quries to DB...
Well, I haven't and I'll try now, thanks!

---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------

This is CPU usage after 10 minutes of installing that plugin - http://prntscr.com/r2g3p

did u bother to use WP super cache plugin ? because its dramatically decrease the server load by serving static file, wordpress is resource eating platform ...... also this will decrease your quries to DB...

---------- Post added 1st Feb 2013 at 06:16 AM ---------- Previous post was 31st Jan 2013 at 03:13 PM ----------

The plugin has seriously cool things a lot but still that plugin is not a permanent solution because I still see my CPU usage is going high!
Dude I'm just running wordpress there! See the load time of the website - http://prntscr.com/r6f87 Moreover, now CPU is kind of okay but still once in an hour it touches 90 but usually stays at 16 - 25.

Any solutions other than VPS for that 90% spike!
Since you are using a high usage mysql script it is not something you can fix. Your only choice is to move hosts.

Most people here and smaller hosts install mysql using cpanel/whm but never optimize and tune it for more higher queries...

The basic mysql community version included is poorly designed which is why you are hitting high cpu.

In the end either set a limit of connections to your site via htaccess to lower usage (if host allows it) or move to a new host or vps..
update your word[press

update your WordPress if not work then may be you need a VPS when you host your site on vps your site will be run smoothly rock :fly:
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