Can someone setup my server?

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He had a dozen or so tickets with them and seems not much help.
They were offline and no replies with a lot of waiting. I would never use them as they are like a lot of hosts that are only available when it is daylight outside in the area of the world.

It is setup now to his specs.
atm I only have problem with htaccess file... Can not use urlrewrited links

This is the 6th day my site is offline. Does anyone can help me?
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Seems John was given a bum server with 100tbh. It was a 10mb not 1 gigabit line, He contacted the lots of times in tickets but kept getting unusable servers.

John did everything he was supposed and it's a shame he had to go back to shared to get better speed.

In my opinion John is a straight up member.
I have read on some forum about 100tbh services. In most time they provide user and password what realy don't work. How i realy don't know. And like Lock Down said speed is something about 10mb not 1gb :)
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