Can someone setup my server?

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Can someone setup my server? I will pay if needed (with alert pay paypal)

Help - tnx
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I tried accessing his Webmin, but failed to load via the 10000 port.

Also could not connect via SSH to install files
If you can't access webmin or SSH how are we supposed to fix?

What's the actual problem? Is it a blank server and you installed webmin then it didn't work or did it already have webmin and everyone is locked out from accessing?
I found another WJ user to setup it. I wanted basic things (mysql php http phpmyadmin and email client) but he told me there is problems because he couldnt access SSH and other problems... I am currently waiting for his responce...

100tbh is really shit. They did not tell me that servers are unmanaged and you can't read it on any page... I regret for buying this after knownsrv is shuted down. This is 4th day my site offline :(
Do you have a licence for cpanel or directadmin? they've some tuts for installs.

Which i'd rather try myself than get help, because you won't need to always rely on others.
100tbh is really shit. They did not tell me that servers are unmanaged and you can't read it on any page...
If you're buying dedi or vps, then you should assume it's unmanaged, unless privided state explictly that they aren't. This is considered "additional service" and if they provided it, they'd surely brag about it on sales pages, as this biz is really competetive, and every bit that can help convice the customer helps.
Look at their prices and the fact that there was nowhere to add managed. Plus the fact that you didn't bother to ask them. Welcome to the Internet.
My server was 26euros... But if day tell me that managed server is 50Eur I will give 50eur - it is not problem they just needed to write it on their page... BTW support is sucks, wasting of time...
It's a discounted host. You'll learn this is the norm. Hopefully the uptime is decent though for you. Also, if you get cPanel their are companies like or something that will take care of everything.

Sp that's what I meant. By them not offering it, that generally means that it's not offered. Safer to ask though.
Please buy using your head not your eyes only.

Good Luck.
When I tried, the server was locked down for access.

I tried everything to gain access, but seemed it was locked up pretty well
you should contact 100tb support. maybe they have a rule at hosts.allow or hosts.deny. thats why you are unable to access via SSH. they will white-list your IP

same here only let a trusted member touch your server .but it will be best to learn your self as webmin is very easy to install .but if you can not connect via ssh check with your provider to make sure your server is online . if it unmanaged and it not working they will help you if its there end at fault . i always go for unmanaged its cheaper
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