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No way is the simple answer. Google are always 1 step ahead. Microsoft are behind and they even said that in a interview on Bing.

Good luck to them is all I can say. Only way to beat Google would be to give a dollar to people that make a search LOL.
No way is the simple answer. Google are always 1 step ahead. Microsoft are behind and they even said that in a interview on Bing.

Good luck to them is all I can say. Only way to beat Google would be to give a dollar to people that make a search LOL.

Do you mean PPS (Pay Per Search ) Plan, lol. They are good in some aspects
Search engines as we know them will be replaced over the next number of years by personal assistants like Google Now and Siri. As these get better, which they will, it will provide more opportunity for competitors. Siri powered by bing, yelp, Facebook, Twitter and a decent natural language program would put up a good fight and could be made default by Apple on all its products. Remember Google will only use its own data while siri has no problem incorporating others which gives it a small chance. Bing, Facebook or Yahoo, etc. on their own have no hope.
I definitely understand why you created this thread which has no personal views and just a link.

@ On Topic
What Mr Happy said seems to be true since mobile is the future.
From last few days, Google shows me weird irrelevant search results.
Don't know what they changed but most of the time, it becomes unreliable for me and I have to use other search engines.
May be some day a better search engine with better algorithm come and beat google.
No one can remain at top for always. example is Apple vs Samsung , :D
In my opinion nothing can beat google as of now.! because everything in internet is directly/indirectly based on google. But, Yes nothing is permanent. Who know, in future there might be a more powerfull and user friendly system.
I couldn't agree more with you Chemicalx, Everyone knows Google. Even 80 year olds LOL. But bing they just think of a light bulb or something lol.
Search engines as we know them will be replaced over the next number of years by personal assistants like Google Now and Siri. As these get better, which they will, it will provide more opportunity for competitors. Siri powered by bing, yelp, Facebook, Twitter and a decent natural language program would put up a good fight and could be made default by Apple on all its products. Remember Google will only use its own data while siri has no problem incorporating others which gives it a small chance. Bing, Facebook or Yahoo, etc. on their own have no hope.

Interesting read. I can see what you mean there Mr Happy.... Siri knows her shit! Remember as time goes on so do people and new generations won't remember Google as much. I'm sure Google will come out with something to try and stay current. As for FB and all the others... Nah, no chance.
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