- 1 Gbps Windows VPS/RDA from $30/month ( NL, USA)

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Guys, I'm really sorry about this servers problems. I doubt the problem is causing by our clients. I suspect the data center is being a dick to us, those who use a lot of BW. Currently our BW usage reach about 60TB a month. Probably that's why we're being throttled. If this is the case, please please do understand us that we cannot fix this in a flash! We need your cooperation as we're going through hard times as you and please keep in mind that we're solving this issue from every morning we wake from bed till we sleep at night. That being said, wait a little while before before making tickets/pM's/offline chats in MSN too often in a day. It doesn't actually make things go faster but we won't be getting updates every 3-4 hrs from DC like or softlayer.

PS : We got another email from them that our server is put behind firewall again, s07.

Yep, I suggest moving away from Shitlayer now !
How long will it take WHMCS to be back? I need to buy a spot in Netherlands server.

Any other way that I can get the server?

EDIT: Just found out that WHMCS is back online. But when I tried to order Netherlands server it says "Out of Stock".

When I can get the new server?
It happens when someone else on the same hard drive un/rars a large file, consumes a lot of bandwidth, opens a number of connections, or do something that requires intense i/o. I face this slowness occasionally, but I always wait because it's still shared.

If everyone sets a speed limit and the maximum number of connection low, it could lessen this issue, but no one can control it. The best way would be buy out a whole HDD. Otherwise, you're affected by someone just as well as you unintentionally disturb someone by doing what I wrote above.

But most of the time, the server is very fast. Wherever you go, you can never avoid this problem as far as you use a shared RDP, I suppose.
i am no NL 200 sveen01, whenever you guys restart it i cant able to upload from firefox and zoom's uploader it crash while selecting files, i think you should turn off UAC plz fix it asap. Already submited ticket but no answer :S

Ticket ID: 327862
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