- Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

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hm, i requested free premium account twice already, but no answer no nothing.. what gives?

edit: ill send pm, maybe then i can get it :)
1. not working. Connection failed.

2. "Lost Password?" not working.
a. Submit e-Mail
b. e-Mail with Information was send!
c. Your Password at (Received email)
d. Please click on the matching link to get a new password for your account: (click on link on the email)
e. e-Mail with new Password was send!
Follow all procedure but did not receive new password.
There are so many problems in the site........Remote upload queue should be increased to at least 50..........

Still people are using the site coz of their rates & so many other advantages.........!!!!!

Uploading is really painful :(
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