Baby Benjamins Baby Contest

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Active Member
Hey everyone our son Ben is being entered into a baby contest,we would love it if you all could give a vote and help him win. If you click this link to vote then you should receive an email (also check your spam folder) with a link to verify your vote that's all you need to do.

Thanking you all Gismo & Belle

Vote Here

*Please Remember To Verify Your Vote Or It Won't Count

How to Vote Rules
To ensure your vote counts, follow the guidelines set out below.
*1. You can vote for your favourite babies from 28.02.11 to 17.03.11.
2. You can only cast one vote per baby but you can vote for as many babies as you like.
3. Once you've voted, you will be sent an email to confirm your vote. If you don't click the link, your vote will not be valid.

* 4. The baby with the most votes in each category (0-9 months and 10-36 months) during the voting period will be crowned the People's Choice winner.
ok everyone site is back up and Voting is now working! lol So if you have a spare couple of minutes please vote for my beautiful son Benjamin xox
haha :p yar there are most friends who want you too win .. i will give it too my friends too when website work tell me ok !! through pm will be appreciable to remind me !!
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