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Active Member

- post to vbulletin, phpbb, smf, mybb, ipb
- topic reply currently working for vbulletin and phpbb2 (currently under development)
- queue posting
- inifinite sections, tags, prefixes, icons, forum setups
- you can have as many usernames and passwords you like for each forum.
- add forum module

For more detailed info reply below.

Very Important Note: when buying leave a comment with your warezme username and pass. Username and pass are required to have the app working.
Price: 8$ / 6 months :::: 12$ / year (ALERTPAY ONLY)

Payment Email: fabijanic.bruno "AT"

After you pay, reply in this thread with transaction details or if you left your username and pass as comment on the payment , you will get a PM here on warezme with all the details.

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Their's no chance of them working together again people so don't ask. I used to know Batori and use his autoposter a lot when it first came out. He and Jayfella used to work together on an autoposter but one day Batori left taking a copy of the source code with him. Jayfella went on to develop it and released an autoposter and then later produced the Multiposter Black Edition which is a lot better than his original.
Batori used the source code he took for his first Autoposter. He's always denied this but I knew his Super Moderator well at the time and he told me how Batori used the source code for his autoposter. However this version seams a lot better and I doubt their's any of the original source in it. Anyway it has now a lot more features and shows that Batori truly is a good coder and I do wish you all the best with it.
However their will obviously always be a rivalry now even though it's almost one year on because of this.
again, im sorry...but that is not correct.

i developet a poster in 2008 way before knowing jay..

what i did with jay, well what he did, i just instructed him a bit was a webbrowser control postmaker that has never seen the daylight.

so there is no TALKING about me stealing from him xD or that he stole from me. we worked toghether on a project that was never used by ANYONE.

then he asked me to tell him how i used winsock to post, and i said no, that was the end of our story. then he made his own app

if you dont believe me check my thread on (its 2008 -_- )

please enough with this. it's annoying.

as the mod said, stay on topic.
as i said , you have 2 lists to use, porn and warez.
if you want a warez forum to be in the porn section its fine with me.
well as i said to all the premium mebers, i dont add forums that are brought up in 1 day with 500 000 posts posted using sharpleech.
I always check the forums alexa rank and other details, to bring to our premium users only the BEST QUALITY FORUMS!

no fake members , sharpleeched forums will be added.

So what i believe is that your list is pretty much "empty"

but sure, why not, send it to me , ill check it.
hehe...i dont remember what was the disussion in matter...
but your forum s on the list now.

@xfernanx: i can add up to 32 000 forums from today, without having the app to freeze at any moment, i just made a fix for that.

the only problem would be the size of the ini having 32 000 forums, which would take a while to load, even wordpad has problems loading big files.
the function is ready to be used, to add own forums. i can just take from the free app.

i've decided to close that for security reasons. that's it.

i might enable that option one day.

thanks for the reply.
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