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lol guys just to remind you. even if you were here when katz was alive you wouldn't be able to see your site in katz after 3-4 days. you'll have to wait 1 week or 2 week (maximum) and just to let you know if you have your requirements. then every ddl has their own requirements like katz had, so you must know phazeddl also have some demands. by demands i mean rules to get white-listed in their site. so guys wait for a week or two if you don't get any reply that means they've rejected your site for sure. and don't forget to check their blacklist who knows you might see your site surprisingly ?
my opinion , as they started accepting new sites again , a TON of ppl applied . i think they will slowly start to accept new sites ... i will wait , cost me nothing ! if this time they don't do nothing . than they are deffinetly dead ! just wait .
Fail, fail and some more fail.

I personally discussed with owner and he clearly stated that they do NOT whitelist any new websites nor answer on re-rates. Just because they deleted inactive websites that doesn't mean they are accepting new websites.
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What the Hell...:O:O

Are they begging for a money now.:P


Same here applied over 3 days ago with no result what so ever ... I´ll give them couple of days more and then bin forever !
@subha86:- There should be an announcement about that which is not, so i guess they are just pissing around with us.

They are not accepting any new whitelist request and WTF they are too busy that they don't have much time to clean this shit- Phaze Dead Stuffs.

Just explore yourself these websites.They are too old and many of them are already dead many many times ago and many of them were never got a re-rating.

I am totally agree with Jass™. :)
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lol Smith..wrong on every account..several sites have been whitelisted recently, a couple sites have been re-rated (Platw & Cyberdevilz) so you're totally misinformed..probably talking to an imposter "owner" or just didn't actually talk to anyone
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