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Phaze was so clean with so little sites not its going to be spammed with crappy sites.. Katz all over again? Dejavu?
That's true. I at least hope it will be hard enough to get higher rating like it's now...

You see guys, Phaze is back and working as I said :)
i hope they accept me

- what that mean Additional Details ??
- from where can i get there banner to put it in my blog ?
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<!-- start code -->
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" title="Free RapidShare Downloads" alt="Free RapidShare Downloads" width="468" height="60" border="0" /></a>
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put this code
i try this since i receive the email and see this first post here in topic.........

I become no answer and have contact them............

same problem no reply nothing,i have add their banner and follow all rules.

Service sucks!
For all members who applied for whitelist and think they are going to get response this time.They are wrong cuz i applied it 4 days back and still no single damn response from them.

In my Opinion.Stay out of this Shitty DDL. If Katz was the no.1 DDL of all time then Phaze is the no.1 Worst DDL of all time..Phaze Team are mean and lazy and they just sit and delete all requests without even responding any f**king of them.They don't even have time for putting a reasons of blacklisting sites on their site. What the Hell??? This is called laziness.

If any of you hidden phaze team member is spying here.Read my message because this is a real fact about you and your service which is 110% sucks. Now you started taking money for downloads.You called this a revolutionary.. Fuck it!!X-(
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